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    crispy leaves... light to close? pics included

    You should be watering them about every other day or until the soil is dry. As for the crisp leaves make sure you have a fan blowing directly on the lights so that the lights are cool enough to touch this makes it so you can putt the lights as close as possible. looking good so far
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    Fox Farm ??'s

    Hi i just turned my plants to 12/12 i was wondering when/how much i should use of the fox farm big bloom nutes?
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    Sexing my 14 plants

    how long would this take into veg usually
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    Sexing my 14 plants

    I was wondering if there is a way to sex my plants so that i dont waste space on growing the males. Plus i included some new pics
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    New pics of my babies. They are doing well. The first pic is of the plant that had the brown first stage leaves but now it is doing great and the second is one of my best looking girls. They are about 2 weeks in. i think im going to start flowering in about 1 more week
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    I just uploaded my new avatar. Lowryder#2 outdoor grow last summer!
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    ok. i have tiny spots on a couple of my leaves could that be becuase of the tin foil? i am trying to be as low budget as possible thats why i didnt spend the money on the reflective material
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    how many would i need for a grow room about 2'x3'x2'
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    Hi. Where would i find those 23 watt odor killing cfl bulbs? Could i find them in a local store or do i have to order them?
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    ok nvm i am not using that its not meant for soil thats what io thought but my friend said it might work. how long should i vegetate them for?
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    i just got a new fertilizer off a fellow grower. General Hydroponics FloraMicro 5-0-1. Would this be better for the plants since in using miracle grow?
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    Hi. On my one older plant i found that the bottom leaves were browning and i thought it was from when i had touched the leaves without washing my hands but i havent touched them in a week but the browning is still getting worse.
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    thanks i just raised the platform the plants were on now they are about an inch tor two away. I wil post more pictures soon.
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    also i am doing a 24 on for veg is that good or should i go with a 18/6
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    Thanks. What about nutrients im using a 10-15-10 right now.
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    First CFL/fluorescent Grow NEED ADVICE

    This is my first indoor grow. I used miracle organic soil mixed with about 10-5% perlite. I have 5 24" grow light fluorescent bulbs and 1 23 watt cfl. Should i use more bright white instead of grow fluorescents for the vegatative stage? Give me any advice you think possible. Thanks