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  1. Maman123

    no fan (sort of)

    I grew once before in this closet and the plants were massive. I think because it constantly was 90 degrees and wall reflection was killer cuz it was small
  2. Maman123

    no fan (sort of)

    Not really concerned about smell so much because my state just legalized recreational mj. I guess I'll just open the door every day to let in fresh air.
  3. Maman123

    no fan (sort of)

    Small closet grow. Can i grow with just a light and dehumidifier without a fan? I'm not concerned About mold as much as I am lack of fresh air. There is just a 1 and 1-2" gap at the bottom of the closet door.
  4. Maman123

    Massachusetts question 4

    anyone wanna shed some light this. If Massachusetts q. 4 passes which I think it will( knock on wood) will we be able to grow up to six plants in a backyard garden? Thanks guys.