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  1. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    kk thanks again for all the help
  2. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    i think ill veg em indoors for a month or 2 starting about march next season then move em outdoors about late april-mid may this season i would have been happy to get a joint off it as i fed it nothing watered every 2-3days the seed came out a bag lol its was all free and fun to do so im happy...
  3. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    flowering for 4 maybe 5 weeks
  4. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    im in england though shit weather is it still better to grow outdoors? will it still spread if i cut it all off and keep washing my hands and the cutters real regular what the best temp for drying when molds a risk?
  5. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    yeh i think ima bring it indoors if i can sneak it in and keep the stench down and harvest what i have, next year i think ill just tell my parents so i can set up a indoor growing area in my room and get some serious yeilds thanks ALOT for the help guys i prolly would have left it in the cold...
  6. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    around 15-20% of the hairs are red/brown i havent got a megnifier for the triches yet as i didn't foresee harvesting for another month or so
  7. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    moving inside isn't realy an option im only 16 i live with my parents and they dont even know i smoke it let alone grow the shit lol guess im chopping my baby early :shock: will it being in doors with little light help more than in the cold with full sun? because that can be arranged
  8. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    thanks alot for all the posts i for got to say though there only about 5-10g of bud on it atm seeing as i knew nothing about growing when i planted the seed i did it about a month too late still worth chopping? you say a frost below 32f can ruin all my shit but im not sure how cold that is...
  9. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    im now logging off for the night but please reply ill see your post tomorrow morning thanks in advance every one
  10. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    like i said though its in a caravan albeit an old one that gets cold, i dont know how cold though and in your opinion could it get cold enough to cause a plant harm? and if so what harm specificly would it cause?
  11. t0k3 h4rd

    Ahhhhh frost?!?

    hi, im now comeing towards the end of my first experimental grow it all started with a seed in a 10bit and it's now gotten to a fully mature female plant.The plant grows in an old caravan toilet room that gets quite cold the first frost was this morning and im wondering what damage frost does to...
  12. t0k3 h4rd

    Any other alternative to c02 besides yeast?????

    bakeing soda and viniger the bubbles are bubbles of co2 do it in a big bucket abouve the plant so the co2 runs out onto the plant bcoz remember its heaver than air never tryed this but ive heard it works :bigjoint:
  13. t0k3 h4rd

    HELP shes Wilting and getting worse by the hour!!!!

    i too am a noob so this may or may not be usefull but my top leaves near the top bud are not as wide kinda curl and have purple stems they appear to wilt too. my plant has been like this for around 3 weeks maybe 4 now and its growing fine and has nice buds all over it it may be nothing to worry...
  14. t0k3 h4rd

    Brown hairs? wtf?

    ok so there's nothing wrong with my plant thats nice to know :eyesmoke: thanks alot for the help
  15. t0k3 h4rd

    Brown hairs? wtf?

    hi every one im new to the site and to growing so go easy on me :P But i have this plant its around 3 feet tall and in a room with one window around 2 foot wide by 4 fott tall (the window faces where the sun rises if that helps) the plant sits directally infront of this window the plant is in...