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  1. B

    Dogs and or not?

    are you guys serious????? hes absolutely right, thc is only lipid and alcohol soluble. thats why we make tinctures and oils and honeys and iso-hash, to break down the thc into a usuable form. wow.
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    ways to get weed off your mind?

    yeah i hear ya man, i lost my job 4 weeks ago, so ive been dry since...its especially hard for me, at least you dont have super premature dank weed growing indoors. i got some diesel ryder 3 weeks from being done, then 2 weeks of drying, then 2 weeks of curing...oh man thats a long time before i...
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    Guyzzz please help

    i know its illegal and i could be sued, but i need this grow really bad. im practically home-less, recently lost my job, broke, starving literally, vehicle broke down, im soooo screwed right now, i lost a good job at a bad time and have no place to live here pretty soon. :(. the grow is on my...
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    Guyzzz please help

    I messed up big. im growing outside this year for the first time in my fields out behind the house...well, i told 2 different friends a while back. but i think there conspiring against me to rob my plants. they were never "buddies" where id have them over and show them anything, just blazing...
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    yeah, its probably just the cold, i should have realized 40 f at night and 85 f during the day is going to cause some purple. thanks guys
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    hi, im growing some afhgan X special skunk outdoor, about 2 weeks into flower...on a few of the shoots on each plant, the pistols, leaves, and entire shoot really is turning purple. not like a patchy purple, but a thick true purple color, but only on 1 shoot per plant, is it mold or some disease...
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    Late Season Easy Ryder (Auto AK47 x Low Ryder #2) Outdoor Grow

    yeah, im growing some autos this year. i have onyx growing outdoor, its growing pretty good so far, only about 3weeks old so far, i started them late. there all 6"-8". there already covered in hairs and bud sites, and the trics are coming in heavy too. ill try to get a pic up later if anyone...
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    First am i doing?

    yeah man, ill get some pics of a mountain mist and an afghan. they smell fantastic. i only have a camera phone so i cant get closeups, but i will get some pics of the bushes. u think im alright just using nitrogen high bat guano for veg? i could have used something else, but i like the idea of...
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    First am i doing?

    hello everyone, i am new to this site. ive been lurking for a long time now, but i finally managed to make my lazy a.s.s. an account. im completely new to growing cannabis, but i am fairly knowledgable of bio/chem, so ill be able to handle the terminology and concepts i hope to gain from the...