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  1. S

    White Rhino & White Widow 12 Plants Week 8 - Harvest Time

    aye m8 weight did you finally get?? im only managing between 1 and 2 oz per plant pretty shit and was using 'Greenhouse Seeds THE CHURCH' meant to be 900g/square mtre
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    Magnesium deficiency????????

    all ur posts wer gr88888888888. ive got exact same problem gna flush plants n get magnesium in. hav also been told problem is because i was balancing ph and then adding newts so gona go bak to wat i was doin b4, ie newts first then ph. gona post pics tomorow then pics after if any improvement...
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    Calcium Deficiency? Magnesium Deficiency? Both? Neither?

    hello was wondering if yoiu got your problem sorted as im now havin MAJOR mag or calcium deficiency
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cheers kingme where did u get that heater and how much did it cost? the cheap £20 heaters i use are 3000w but dont give out much heat, aslo my heat problem is now solved having trouble with day temps again
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hows it goin gudkarma cheers for the advice, wrote back on this ages ago but post must of dissapeared!! anyway.... thats a great size of room wat do you usually crop out at?? Bad news here most of my plants hermyed only 7 shit plants left out of 30 odds but theyre lookin a bit better. Night...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    def good tips il hav 2insulate the tents and then build a room inside the garage when i get money but just made a big big mistake, turned off outake and intake and left for 4 days hoping this would raise temp as night temps were dropping to -18c but when i went back all the fuckers hermyed...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    birdmcbride id prob rather wait n get d money for kingspan to build a room due to fear of cops getn my crop n stickin my ass in jail
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    insulated box around the tent but dnt hav muny until next crop done in 6 weeks but d way its goin ther wont b much muny
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    madmad aint got the money for Quartz/infrared heaters n dnt think it would work thinkn of insulating my tent with cheap insulation wat u reckon?
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i know wat ur sayin gudkarma my prob isnt wen lights r on it wen lights r off my use that cheap insulation, add sum oil rad's andturn everything off at nite wat u reckon??
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that styrofoamluks cheap mite buy a load of that and use it to insulate floor, walls and roof of my tent cheers zem
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i was giong to build a room inside the garage using kingspan but was afraid of not building it rite n heat signatures escaping n cops picking it up!! also was worried about getin heat down during summer if i did this. The water tank is under the plants no issue there. wat m2 u using gudkarma...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i dont think i cud get aboe floor levels as its a 2m x 2m tent also the temp is about 18-22 when lights are on its at night temp is falling to 6degrees in tent. going to try turning exhast off when lights are off hopefully this helps. ive 3 600w lights on during day so temp fine at day...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    gud advice on the parafin bought one but not gna use it too afraid off it falling off n burning place down n if its reali smokey it wil ruin my smoke lol
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My grow is in a garage so i have problems with too warm in summer and far too cold in winter!!!!!!! Im getting about 20% yield if im lucky and have done for over a year now ready to give up even though ive lost thousands. Gr8 smoke but bad yield. Temp now hitting about 7degrees at nite (-6...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My grow is in a garage so i have problems with too warm in summer and far too cold in winter!!!!!!! Im getting about 20% yield if im lucky and have done for over a year now ready to give up even though ive lost thousands. Gr8 smoke but bad yield. Temp now hitting about 7degrees at nite (-6...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My grow is in a garage so i have problems with too warm in summer and far too cold in winter!!!!!!! Im getting about 20% yield if im lucky and have done for over a year now ready to give up even though ive lost thousands. Gr8 smoke but bad yield. Temp now hitting about 7degrees at nite (-6...
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    Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My grow is in agarage so i have problems with too warm in summer and far too cold in winter!!!!!!! Im getting about 20% yield if im lucky and have done for over a year now ready to give up even though ive lost thousands. Gr8 smoke but bad yield. Temp now hitting about 7degrees at nite (-6...
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    BIG TIME HEAT PROBLEMS!!! 35degrees in summer hits as low as 5degrees in winter

    i see what u mean try to make the air comming in cooler but i live in UK and dont have a/c also my tent is in garage. Also how would blowing exhaust into room help reduce heat inside tent? Has any1 bought any expensive air conditioners and do they work???