Controlling low temp with Paraffin heaters??? PLEASE HELP ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My grow is in a garage so i have problems with too warm in summer and far too cold in winter!!!!!!!

Im getting about 20% yield if im lucky and have done for over a year now ready to give up even though ive lost thousands. Gr8 smoke but bad yield.

Temp now hitting about 7degrees at nite (-6 outside 2nite :{ ) even with 3 heaters set on thermostats. Heaters all running at about 3k each and usually blow after few weeks, did last year anyway.

Was thinking of buying a big paraffin heater for about 200 (which i cant afford) and putting putside the tent will this help??? and will co2 save my yet again poor crop??

ANYONE WITH EXPERIENCE OR ANY TIPS would be a life saver and greatly appreciated.


pease out smokers​


Well-Known Member
place your grow above floor level typically on a table, shrink it to a box, insulate it, remove any cooltubes, could also place ballasts in room, set your exhaust on low setting, if possible intake from your house where it's warmer. after doing all that, you could add more light instead a heater. in canada where it's freezing they add lights this has a double benefit as light and warmth. anyway you need to have a high light output to take the benefits of CO2 if you wana apply it so start with the lights. it's easier to keep indoor grow warm than to cool it, i'm sure you could do it. that said are you sure that temps is the only factor decreasing your yield? i doubt it. tell us more about the grow
i dont think i cud get aboe floor levels as its a 2m x 2m tent also the temp is about 18-22 when lights are on its at night temp is falling to 6degrees in tent. going to try turning exhast off when lights are off hopefully this helps. ive 3 600w lights on during day so temp fine at day. Icurrently have intake set to some off at night aswell. gona buy a contactor and try using about 4 or 5 heaters but they run at 2 or 3kw each so afraid of something exploding???

Def temps fucking up my yields cuz i always try to keep ph at 5.5-5.8, nuts 1.5-1.8, use B52, Bud Blood, Overdrive, Big Bud, A&B and follow Advanced nuts timescale. Have 2 fans intake and 2 fans outtake, water for about 15mins every 2hours or so, fans circulating air, keep place well clean and veg them to perfection, big massive green healthy leaves but when they go in2 flowering they just underperform wont grow more than an extra 30% or 40% and onl give me small yields, for the space like. Was also having problems with algae but sorted this by cleaning and using plenty of stones.

Nemore hints or advice get back 2me cheers.

ps I want to upload fotos but im afraid to incase of cops or anything snooping these sites??? Am i just being paranoid r am i better be safe about this???


New Member

i grow in a detached garage on the east coast. no heat. no water. it's absolutely 100% winter outside & definitely nice & warm inside my lab.

the difference between you & me : you use a tent : i built an insulated room (my lab) inside a room (my garage).

i have 2 tanks @ 35 gal each for water. i run an air stone in each. & because the concrete block garage stays above freezing naturally, no issues with water storage. got 70 gal of fresh water whenever i want.

my limit is 2500w of electric for all my needs. not one circut is over-loaded. and ALWAYS take safety seriously!

i run a SOG style opperation with three ebb & flow tables that produce 6 to 8 oz of dankness every three weeks.

i do loose a little productivity from my garden in the extreme months (summer, winter) but the more i grow the better i get at dialing in my environment. i am thinking seriously about running a sealed room with co2 because it would allow me even greater control over day & night temps.

you have to find a way to play god in your room try & control every variable ...& not let those variables control your grow.


a) you need air flow during lights on but not at lights off. plants dont need co2 in the dark. i vent, 30 minutes every every 3 hours, during light off ONLY to control humidity.

a1) you need to think of growing in the winter, away from your house, like growing in a "sealed room"... like people do with co2 injection.

guys & girls that grow in unheated spaces (in the winter) are after "heat" and proper temps.

b) anything that can generate heat needs to be used to your advantage... especially ballasts, lights, and heaters.

c) parafin heater = dangerous !!!

d) you grow in a tent... they are nice (i use one inside the lab for my clones) but have ZERO insulation.

e) you absolutely need an oil filled radiator. ebay is your friend here.

i use a 700w unit which is the size of a phone book. tiny, just powerful enough to keep lights off temps @ 18c to 20c, but doesn't trip breakers.

* it's on all the time! * i've seen 400w space saving oil filled rads that are great too. i keep a small walmart fan on the oil filled rad & one on my ballasts & i use a fan for general air circulation (3 fans going all the time).

i would NOT set a space heater directly on a tent floor. i'd use a buffer (block of wood, clean cinder block) of some sort.

e1) i also use a 6" (440 cfm) fan for fresh air and a 4" fan (195 cfm) for exhaust and a 165 cfm fan (summer only) for the lights.

in the summer i run a closed air circut for my (3) lights... which are all air cooled... and vent scrubbed air into the garage... and then out the window.

in the winter, i run fresh air through the light circut for extra heat... no venting into the garage.

REMEMBER : space heater (oil filled radiator) is always on!

f) imo you must run your lights at night (coldest outside) and have dark during they day (when it's a little warmer). when lights are out... you MUST shut down or reduce air flow to a bare minumum ...because your secondary heat source (lights) is shut down

g) you CAN NOT let the grow room temps fall below 14 to 15c

h) trying to heat your garage is a waste & inefficient... you need to heat your grow space!

i heat my lab, vent & scrub all air into the garage, & then vent ALL the air in the garage out the window (if i didn't mold would grow due to moisture created by hot air from the lab & cold air in the garage mixing).

im not telling you to do it my way... just showing you what works & possible things to think about (like mositure making mold).

i) make sure you keep something under your pots/planters... the cold ass concrete is not good for your plants roots. i use foam insulation under my planters.

i just built my lab a few moths ago.

it's my first season (third run) growing like this.

it's cold as hell outside yet my garden is still cranking out the dank.

it took me about two weeks of fucking (once the season changed) with everything in my room to get the temps dialed in & consistent.


Well-Known Member
i dont think i cud get aboe floor levels as its a 2m x 2m tent also the temp is about 18-22 when lights are on its at night temp is falling to 6degrees in tent. going to try turning exhast off when lights are off hopefully this helps. ive 3 600w lights on during day so temp fine at day. Icurrently have intake set to some off at night aswell. gona buy a contactor and try using about 4 or 5 heaters but they run at 2 or 3kw each so afraid of something exploding???

Def temps fucking up my yields cuz i always try to keep ph at 5.5-5.8, nuts 1.5-1.8, use B52, Bud Blood, Overdrive, Big Bud, A&B and follow Advanced nuts timescale. Have 2 fans intake and 2 fans outtake, water for about 15mins every 2hours or so, fans circulating air, keep place well clean and veg them to perfection, big massive green healthy leaves but when they go in2 flowering they just underperform wont grow more than an extra 30% or 40% and onl give me small yields, for the space like. Was also having problems with algae but sorted this by cleaning and using plenty of stones.

Nemore hints or advice get back 2me cheers.

ps I want to upload fotos but im afraid to incase of cops or anything snooping these sites??? Am i just being paranoid r am i better be safe about this???
it is always better to add lights instead of heaters, double benefit. IMO get more light, put ballasts in the tent, if you are experienced, seal up and apply CO2 tank/regulator setup. oh and the intake fans are not really needed, the exhaust fans pull air outside and make intake holes without fans the negative pressure sucks air in easily, you will also save some power usage. if possible duct intake holes to your warm house. you should at least place some styrofoam insulatioon on floor and walls it will help a lot


New Member
i grow in the cold. i've talked (at length) via PMs with growers in new england.

my knowledge base comes from 1) actual experience & 2) from people who know the real deal cause they grow in a cold ass environment

everybody is using a heater.

buy more lights... sure, that's awesome.

what about lights out? ===> you must heat your grow space NOT the garage (or whatever).

heater is the only way. use foam insulation behind the poles of the tent too.

play safe. fire is no fucking joke!

the fire deptartment finding your burnt to the ground garage & grow lab remains surely will make for a HUGE pain in the ass.


light offs ==> the only air exchange should be to control humidity... or get a de-heuy.

what good is your nute schedule and ph if the plants are locking out due to the cold?

if you have to remove a plant or two to make space for equipment which will net more yeild from less plants ...thats better imo than low yeild from a bunch of plants.

plus, with the right tools to do the job, you'll have LESS headaches.

finally, and no criticism, how would you know the potency & taste "is there" if your yeild is off... meaning the plants aint growing right.

if you tweak the room, i bet, your shit will be more bumping!
i was giong to build a room inside the garage using kingspan but was afraid of not building it rite n heat signatures escaping n cops picking it up!! also was worried about getin heat down during summer if i did this. The water tank is under the plants no issue there.

wat m2 u using gudkarma? ive 3m2 inside a 2x2m tent.

i have turned outake off during nite so hopefully this will help ive also turned intake off completely to help get day temps above 18c (was previously only on during day).

c) think ill stay away from parafin too dodgy. I have 3 electric heaters all 2kw each - dodgy and dont even produce much heat cuz as u say these tents arent insulated wat if i was to put kingspan on the roof of tent or inside it?? def wana change to oil radiators due to lower wattage but will these produce more or less heat than electric ones? also low on cash so dont hav much to spend unless next crop picks up.

was in today and they are starting to droop again and havent increased in size AT ALL after weeks in flowering think its the cold must be doing it cuz watering for about 15mins every 2hours during lights on.

f) I have wanted to run lights at nite 4 ages but thought this wud b too much of a risk as cops fly about in helicopters with that thermal gear lukin for grows people getin caught all the time, id say this would help with my temp problems both in summer and winter but im too afraid that this will make the place stand out n cops will b on the scence!!!!????????????????

g) i have 3 2kw electric heaters and still cant keep night temps, when lights off, abover 10c its fukn killin me crop doin bad, drooping and not getin taller yet these wer by far the best veg ones ive done since i started!!!

ive now got outake off at night (lights out) but i cudnt see this getin night temps up from 8/9c to 14c. R oil rad's better and do you think it would help if i put kingspan on roof of tent??
i know wat ur sayin gudkarma my prob isnt wen lights r on it wen lights r off my use that cheap insulation, add sum oil rad's andturn everything off at nite wat u reckon??


New Member
yes. that's a start.

insulation is the key.
turning down the air flow & running any air flow through your lights is important. move less air at night for sure.

oil filled radiators are cheap. buy one on craigslist. personally, since i run mine all the time, i bought a new one.

my room is 3.5m x 2.5m x 3.75m

nice size space right? and i heat that with ONE oil filled radiator w/ a small fan blowing on it. i leave the thermostat on high.
mine is 700w continuous but uses only 5.8 amps. works great. my lights off temps are 18c easy.

if you build a room inside a room AND insulate properly AND never vent hot air outside the garage how could the cops find you with infrared? dude i grow in nieghborhood where the homes are close together. all dick head professionals. plenty of cops. but i am VERY low profile.

freezing tonight but my grow room is 25c.

if you build the right room, with insualtion (even on the door & roof), no unusual heat will escape from it... and you can run your lights at night.

still, you have to be the best judge of your situation.

mine is risky.

but, i cover ALL the bases ALL THE TIME ... & do EVERYTHING stealth.

insulation. security (air scrubbing, no light leaks). & no risky electrical stuff.

i draw fresh air in... silently.
i vent the grow room into the garage & ionize the air... silently.
i run a fan above an open window (which keeps the garage cold!!!) that pushes air out year round... quietly.

heat your grow room! let your garage get cold.
leave a window open in your garage (or make a secure opening (vent)) and bring fresh/cold air into the garage.

it works for me.


def good tips il hav 2insulate the tents and then build a room inside the garage when i get money but just made a big big mistake, turned off outake and intake and left for 4 days hoping this would raise temp as night temps were dropping to -18c but when i went back all the fuckers hermyed fucksake. think ive about 4 survivers out of 30 need to put the money in to build that room defo as im waisting my time in the tents


Active Member
what i do is i have fans sucking the heat from the lights and dumping into the rooms. my veg room dumps into my flower and then i have 2 other shit fans in each room that run 15 mins off 15 mins on to balance the rooms. so i basically heat the rooms off the lights. now i constantly have a light on except for 4 hrs. this is when the heaters come into place but i let the temp drop to 63 degrees. I have a temp.stat that allows me to run 2 diff temps at the 2 different times night and day. i run a 220 heater in flower room that is oversized for the room. and then i have a 1500 watt for the veg room. Now This is key. The only way you are going to fight the cold is to OVER SIZE your heating equimpment. my flower room heater is a ceiling mounter garage heater. So it serves its purpose. I hope this helps
hows it goin gudkarma cheers for the advice, wrote back on this ages ago but post must of dissapeared!!

anyway.... thats a great size of room wat do you usually crop out at??

Bad news here most of my plants hermyed only 7 shit plants left out of 30 odds but theyre lookin a bit better.
Night temps only droppin to 12/13C now that snow and freezin temps gone. Hvent got the money to build a room so just gona insulate tents but now my old problem is back, too high temps during day.

Temp during day outside only about 7C but can hit between 28c-32c inside i was wondering if insulating tents will help keep day temps down or will this just make warmer during the day???

will get a foto and upload next time seen your foto looks well
cheers kingme where did u get that heater and how much did it cost?

the cheap £20 heaters i use are 3000w but dont give out much heat, aslo my heat problem is now solved having trouble with day temps again