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  1. SwirlingChronic420

    Any ideas?

    This guy was just an experiment, extra seed i had, green crack i believe, but he just had this deformity, my other plants are doing just great, i never planmed on him getting that far but its still interesting to learn
  2. SwirlingChronic420

    Any ideas?

    The soil is fox farms light warruor, ph is in the 6.5 range, i micro dosed a little rapid start in there.
  3. SwirlingChronic420

    Any ideas?

    This guys been growing for almost 3 weeks, i know theres an issue, he was sort of an experiment, byt any idea whats wrong wit him?
  4. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    Okay, ill start them on bloom at about week 5.
  5. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    I heard that if the nute burn is on the tips it will suck the nitrogen up with the flowering stretch, isit the same for slight nitro toxicity? My other question still stands
  6. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    Well i just checked on her in the grow room, and from what i can see it small pistils (im kinda geeking out) but theyre still very small andonly in certain places, should i start bloom nutes directly at week 4? Or is there something i should wait for?
  7. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    Very true lol, thank you so much for the help!
  8. SwirlingChronic420

    Low stress training???

    Was there any signs of significant stress afterwards, what strain?
  9. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    Do you think that little bit will hurt her that much? That slight nyte burn also gave slight nitrogen toxicity (i dont remember if i stated that) but its definitely not as severe as some I've seen, but nonetheless theres still a "claw" to the leaves. I know mistakes with autoflower are bad...
  10. SwirlingChronic420

    Low stress training???

    Looks nice, though i think I'll wait until i grow my photoperiods, better to be safe then sorry lol
  11. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    Much appreciated, new growth is still lime green, and its only slight so ill take the advice, my nutes are about 3/4 the strength, except for the rapid start, my other plant loves the treatment with omly slight signs, i mean like pin tip of yellow on the leaf tip, but i diald down accordingly...
  12. SwirlingChronic420

    Low stress training???

    I cant top them, autos are way too fragile, im already dealing with slight nute burn and nitrogen toxicity with one of them
  13. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    So should i stop and just switch to plain ph until week for when i add bloom? Should i still add molasses?
  14. SwirlingChronic420

    Low stress training???

    How do i go abput doung something like that?
  15. SwirlingChronic420

    Low stress training???

    I got one bulk smash, and one ak49, both are on day 3 of week 3, i want to try low stress training on atleast one of them b7t im skeptical, everywhere says autos are extremely fragile, which i know, but any slight mistake could set you back extremely, which discourages, many guides ive seen just...
  16. SwirlingChronic420

    From tissue to what ?? (Auto)

    I try to use a good amended soil but nothing too hot for my autos, i use foxfarms original planting mix with abput 30% perlite in the soil, autos need a lot of drainage, stay away from ocean forest, it'sjust too hot for them.
  17. SwirlingChronic420

    Watering Confusion

    I have a Hawaiian punchgallon with holes poked in it, sort of like a watering can, a 2 liter seems the way to go
  18. SwirlingChronic420

    Watering Confusion

    Sounds like a plan.
  19. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    Oh i know its nute burn lol i just want to know how to better tend to it, i use fox farms original planting mix with 30% perlite mixed in, they're on week three, but I've been gradually increasing the dosage according to a schedule i found online, its day 3 of week 3, and on week 3 day 1 i...
  20. SwirlingChronic420

    Nute Burn?

    I have two auto flowers, ome bulk smash, one ak-49, i recently noticed yellowing tips on the bottom leaves of my plant, i immediately flushed it with a half a gallon of water, which is definitely not enough but they're also autos and very fragile, will i be alright, from what i seen its not too...