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  1. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    thank you for proving my statement
  2. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    Damn you people are stupid on here fyi it was a preflower shes a nice looking female it amazes me how much ignorance and stupidity is on this website anyways thanks for nothing everyone peace
  3. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    T They are outdoor seeds .. grown inside
  4. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    Actually during flowering cannabis plants lower leaves do die off its to push more thx to the top bud... Just wana know if I can basically I already know the answer to the question I'm asking you can but it stresses out the plant I just want to see if anyone else has done it...
  5. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    Can u trim lower fan leaves early into flower if they are dying ?
  6. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    I tried to get as clear of a pic I coulf its not a new shoot just below that shoot growing Is a upside dowm tear drop thing the plant is about 3 weeks old 10 inches right now 5 days into flowering and is topped thats one of the main branches its growing off of
  7. C

    Is this a preflower ?please help

    It looks like a upside down tear drop it's growing beside the branch growing out here is a picture
  8. C

    Are buds gonna grow out from the two long branches.i n the middle ?

    Woah !!! how do u top those ones where to cut them ?
  9. C

    Are buds gonna grow out from the two long branches.i n the middle ?

    Thank you very much that was exactly what I was going for
  10. C

    Are buds gonna grow out from the two long branches.i n the middle ?

    Can you leave please all you are doing is trolling thanks ive grown before just never had branches that long after topping
  11. C

    Are buds gonna grow out from the two long branches.i n the middle ?

    It's my second grow I forgot where the buda come out from
  12. C

    2 days into flowering can I transplant ?

    The one on ge right doesn't actually have any fan leaves due to a lighting accident it's all branches from where they grow out at the nodes and middle one is topped left one has same amout of nodes but smaller
  13. C

    2 days into flowering can I transplant ?

    Why do u think it could be male ? Also I have 3 others but vegging also what if the plant gets root bound ?
  14. C

    2 days into flowering can I transplant ?

    I noticed the roots sticking out the top of the soil on my 3 plants I'm 2 days into flowering I was wondering if I can transplant them to bigger pots I've grown before so I dont need advice on how to transplant all I need to know is can I transplant 2 days into flowering? Thank you guys
  15. C

    How are they looking ????

    1st and 2nd pic topped at 5th node 3rd pic toppedbat 2nd node due to unfortunate lighting mishap 4th pic starting it's 6th node I believe So how are they looking