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  1. josh4321

    JigFresh's Grow 1.2 - Purple Kush clones - closet DWC - 650w hps/mh

    Subscribed cant wate to see the purple kush growing iv seen and herd a lot of great things about them hope you have as much fun with this grow as you did with the first
  2. josh4321

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    hey guys heres some pics of my bubblegum this 1 is at 14days and these 3 are at day29 and these last 2 are at50 days they are getting flushed now will probly come down in the next 10 days
  3. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    tipsnob,sicc thanks guys and dont worry ill give a smoke report what would you guys like to be in it
  4. josh4321

    Straight, Bi, or Gay?

    im bi so what but im in a long term relationship for the last 2 years with my gf but yes i have been with guys and girls
  5. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    they are not big but they are full of bud the biggest 1 is 21in and the other 3 are 16in but one is supercroped and the 2 reaily small 1's are 8 and 9in thanks for the support kb + rep to you to jigfresh + rep bro
  6. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

  7. josh4321

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    bro ypur plants are looking fuckin sweet the clones too how long till you cut im 28 to 30 days away the wate is killing me lol
  8. josh4321


    bro your plants are looking sweet that plant in the back corner in pics 10 and 11 is going to be a beast
  9. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    here the day 29 pics i thought i was longer in but im not lol just 29 days so im just starting week 4 they are getting full dose of pure blend pro and a shot of a&b they are starting to stink a lot so anyways heres the pics im thinking im going to get 4 to 5 ozs the plant in the last pic is 1...
  10. josh4321

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    man that la is looking sweet i might just have to take you up on that offer i might be in TO in the next couple of weeks how many did you want to get rid of
  11. josh4321

    1st Grow - Dual Cabinet System - Sour Diesel, Purple Urkel Kush

    sucks working 7 days a week im working 6 right now i havent seen you around my new journel at all bro when you have the time come by and check it out. looking forword to the up date ill be putting mine up tommorrow too.
  12. josh4321

    SOG Cabinet

    are you letting your tap water sit for 24 to 48 hours before useing it
  13. josh4321

    1st Grow - Dual Cabinet System - Sour Diesel, Purple Urkel Kush

    hey bro what happend to you do you have an update for us
  14. josh4321

    hey i was just wondering why i can only upload 1 pic at a time if i try 2 or more it says that a...

    hey i was just wondering why i can only upload 1 pic at a time if i try 2 or more it says that a security token is missing can you help me out
  15. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    hey guys im just bored and took some pics enjoy
  16. josh4321

    SOG Cabinet

    fuckin sweet cab bro ill be here watchin
  17. josh4321

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    man i bet when you stick you r head in there you just want to live with them eh
  18. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    they re all hooked into 1 pail filled with fabreze?? you cant smell a thing
  19. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    i thought this was a cool pic
  20. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    1, i cant rember the temps outside that day 2, 3 5in inline fans that you can get at home depot and i think they are 250cfm 3, i just have 1 intake the other 2 are outtake bro if you want to cut the bottem right out of the freezer and put a 400 in there i would use a cooltube im going to...