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  1. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

  2. josh4321

    Fridge Grow 175w MH with CFLs

    iv got a 400whps in my fridge with a air cooled hood and i have no heat probs at all but you are looking fine
  3. josh4321

    big fridge 400w hps 4 plants

    ok guys heres the smoke report for you all smokes smooth light gray ash great buzz taste is like lemons with a bit of spice what else would you guys like to know
  4. josh4321

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    man that ww is going to stink like a mofo and i do mean a lot but they are the best smoke imo
  5. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    thanks bro yours look sweet too
  6. josh4321

    where are you at maybe we can work something out

    where are you at maybe we can work something out
  7. josh4321

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    nice looking roots on your clone bro have you ever growen ww it 1 of my favs
  8. josh4321

    Fridge Grow 175w MH with CFLs

    hey bro loving the fridge iv got a fridge going too im taking down my 2nd crop in it in 4 weeks check it out some time
  9. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    hey guys heres the update for the end of week 3 the temps went up to 80 yesterday but it was hot out they are getting 3/4 dose of pure blend pro and man are they looking great imo i added a pic i thought you guys might get a kick out of its the last 1
  10. josh4321

    619SixFour First Grow HomeBox S 400W

    man thouse buds look sweet great job +rep bro
  11. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    what did they cost its like a 2 hour drive for me to get to TO
  12. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    i just ad some a&b to the mix it too is organic they seem to love it did you get you la's from ontario seed bank
  13. josh4321

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    good to see you are back your plants are looking awsome iv got some bubblegums going have a look some time
  14. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    ok bro the plants that i have only take 7 weeks iv been growing for a long time i know how to tell when my plants are done. and there will be no arguing on my journal. if you dont like what i have said then dont come back. boneman i dont need you telling me how long my plants take ok peace
  15. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    it does not take 9-10 weeks it takes no longer then 60 days look back on the frist page
  16. josh4321

    My Banana Tree is Sad :(

    hey bro its the tap water try to give it rain water
  17. josh4321

    1st Grow - Dual Cabinet System - Sour Diesel, Purple Urkel Kush

    plants are looking great bro im takei ng 1 of my bubble gums down soon i put the rest of them in bud 2 weeks ago i also have a new journel going hows the building of your new room going do you have any pics of it yet
  18. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    hey guys heres your update its the end of week2 and they are looking great the temps are staying the same and they are getting half dose of pure blend pro. they smell sooooooo sweet. i have 1 that is coming down in 5 to 7 days i cant wate to try this bubblegum iv never had it before. do you guys...
  19. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    i got the clones from a good friend they cost me $8ea canadian
  20. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    hey guy the update will be here with in the hour