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  1. O4aUsErNaMe

    aerogarden trial

    no updates it actually went quite well,but i turned it of ages ago:bigjoint:
  2. O4aUsErNaMe

    WTF's wrong with my pumpkins?! Novice,(pics) PLZ help

    wot tha ell ya on about boy this is the gardening section,this is where we talk about our veggies:bigjoint:
  3. O4aUsErNaMe

    Logging In

    well you can ignore me now finally got to log in after about 5 resets
  4. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    well i am finally back i will update soon , have been unable to logging due to some error or lazy admin not sure which...:-)
  5. O4aUsErNaMe

    Automatic Hindu Kush

    well i grew it and well the results are: 80% germination rate 50% male /female ratio (explained below) yield not what i expected (explained below) smell excellent and a damn good relaxing long lasting stone 20 seeds in to germinate :18 germ 18 plants grown outside 9 males(thats ok i want to...
  6. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    dry weight was 3 lb going for 4 to 4,5 lb this one
  7. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    hi gilfman good to see ya drop by,i cant wait to see it in flower myself it is going to be awesome...:-)
  8. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    the only bugs i worry about are aphids and grasshoppers ,all the rest eat a bit but hey they aint killed any of mine yet. i guess they just dont like the heat in my area...
  9. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    it is almost pure sativa(so close you may as well say pure) 7 foot tall dont forget to allow for the raised garden bed...:-) should start in 4 to 5 weeks
  10. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    hi people a little update on this grow as you can see it has taken off, it is already taller and fatter than last years effort..:-) we have had a long dry hot spell and the watering schedule has been very hectic. and goofyboots i am always willing to help if i can..:-)
  11. O4aUsErNaMe

    Aus outdoor grow flowering question

    you have about 4 to 6 weeks growing time(give ot take) and then flowering time as to the height well that is a bit difficult to guess but they wont be big
  12. O4aUsErNaMe

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    now that the testosterone has been used up maybe we can go back to the subject at hand :hump: i have just uploaded some updates on some of my projects i have going. the one in flower is a diesel ryder with a couple of weeks left to go the hedge is doing well and it has created a wind...
  13. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    thanks and its not a problem,yes catch them bloody carp they are pests but make good fertilizer ...:-)
  14. O4aUsErNaMe

    Novice aussie pumpkin grower:advice? (pics)

    Are the pieces of wood a good idea/necessary....not needed How long generally from fruit set to will notice the stem of the pumpkin pinch in when ready(they will grow all summer) Should i be worried bout rats chompin Anyone heard of Spaghetti squash or would know where...
  15. O4aUsErNaMe

    Novice aussie pumpkin grower:advice? (pics)

    yes and stop watering in the evening or late arvo as you call it' the plant stays moist al night and can promote mildew growth. or you could use a mix of two tablespoons bi-carb per gallon with a good splash of powerfeed mixed in. it is a good remedy for many garden moulds
  16. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    soon my man soon...:-)
  17. O4aUsErNaMe

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    i would cut that back to 3 ml per litre and feed powerfeed and seasol at the same time at 3ml each per litre. and only feed once a week and water once a week with plain water(water till you get some runoff out the bottom of the pot) and i would just hand water the pot in the morning or late evening
  18. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    read the whole thread go back to page 1
  19. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    read and then you will see how...:-)
  20. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    you bloody photo junkies are never happy...:-) i only updated 7 days ago will update again in a few days.:hump: onya shroomy