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  1. B

    Brand new 630 air cooled cmh set up, what do you all think

    i would pass on both . the top one will not have any coverage . the second . you dont need 2 bulbs in one unit . get a single 8 inch and drop in a 1000 watt hps and get a 8 inch . suggest a unit like this ...
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    EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

    ok . i am on the hunt for a sprayer that is not made of plastic . at these (PROPER ) temps of 650 f we need a heavy duty sprayer to spray this hot grease with out melting the spray unit .
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    found a new way to speed flowing . amazing

    lol . 10 nagging woman . all yelling about different things .
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    found a new way to speed flowing . amazing

    lmfao . i get messed up enough i dont need this thing , to fall off of wonder why i am sore the next day .
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    EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

    i will have to try turkey grease . i know hamburger grease is expose to work well as well . i will have to do a controlled test 3 lights 3 rooms . turkey grease one room the next hamburger grease and my favorite bacon grease . we will see the results first hand . i will heat...
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    Low post

    who fucking knows then . this guy . there is a google translate just type your what even in and click translate to the different language and copy and paste it . and vise versa .
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    found a new way to speed flowing . amazing

    lol . . hey my woman is currently in the future getting the lottery # for every major drawing for the next 3 weeks . so i have the house to my self ! party .
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    found a new way to speed flowing . amazing

    this way is much faster then bacon grease and mt dew .
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    found a new way to speed flowing . amazing

    this machine is proven to work . you put the plants into it pres a button and wait 1 minute for it to return . its fully flowered and ready to go . you can take a baby clone and place it in there and wait for the results .
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    The effects of music on plants

    they sell those in hydro stores . they are about 1200 bucks . i think its total bull shit . plants grow just fine in homes or green houses . this machine is a pos . they sell if because stupid people buy it .
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    Low post

    its half spanish half english . if i were just spanish i could translate . fuck it not taking the time to do stupidity
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    The effects of music on plants

    i have read for many hours about plants and music . the best music for plants is proven to be country proven by scientists second classical . heavy metal or death metal is proven to kill plants . these are not my finding. scientists ok i had to fuck around with music to see if...
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    Low post

    half english and half spanish ? type in only 1 only . i will translate it for you geez .
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    EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

    tried the bacon grease . and i was majorly impressed with what i seen . and the plants have a hint of smokey sweet taste . 5 times the yields .
  15. B

    which side of this reflective material faces out?

    if both sides are shinny . then put the ruff side out . reason for that to avoid hot spots .
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    its a bitch post . bitch about your electric bill here

    I just called my energy supplier . I told them I don't want to bitch or yell so on . I was very nice talking to the manager . I got my kilowatts down 3 c less per kilowatt this is (HUGE) for me I don't know how they go It lower the manager basically told me not to tell any...
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    cloudy shitty day outside or 400w of cfl inside?

    put them in the inside on cloudy days under 1000 watt hps .
  18. B

    Strange looking clones

    we use them to diagnose cars lol majic 8 balls are smart .only yours joke . I have a few new pics to share .one I posted in chat not my woman . my ladies friend . and I am a dirty dog . take it from there any way you like .
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    its a bitch post . bitch about your electric bill here

    lol hey best to move by the lake can build a water power plant free always running .