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  1. kidynamite

    My friend is a crackhead

    i havent lost friends to drugs because we all just smoke weed but dude, you can only help someone who truley want's help for themselves. talk to him and listen to the things the guy is saying, be on guard because full blown addicts can be some shady motherfuckers. after talking to him for a...
  2. kidynamite

    Is this the man on MARS?

    January 25 update: In an e-mail, a NASA spokesman said that the "man" on Mars is actually "a 2-inch sedimentary rock that has been eroded by the wind." looks bigger than 2 inches to me. the top pic in the thread is amazing in my opinion...
  3. kidynamite


    thanx for ruining it for me, i was trying to watch it next week free on HBO. :evil:
  4. kidynamite

    Is this the man on MARS?

    i'm new to this forum so i'm not sure if anyone has seen these if not there pretty cool. looks like a man sitting there, Nasa says it's a rock eroded by high wind mixed with sand particles. idk what it is but the resemblence to a man is uncanny. my apologies if this a repost also.
  5. kidynamite

    this ever happend to you

    thats it buddy right there you hit the nail on teh head with that one. no offense smalldog, i was being a smartass because you had created such a n00b thread but srsly, havent we all done that like a million times?
  6. kidynamite

    this ever happend to you

    this one time, in band camp, i got stoned and like, 10 minutes later i got stoned again...haha :roll:
  7. kidynamite

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bumpin the 8mm deepwell :eyesmoke:
  8. kidynamite

    this ever happend to you

    smalldog, you really are retarded...
  9. kidynamite

    Scared Shitless!!

    you must face your fears in order to overcome them. realize the tornado is one in a million chance and it ever happening to you again is very slim. dont get me wrong mother nature is far more powerful than man but you should not be afraid. you may have a little ptsd, there are medications...
  10. kidynamite

    hey there...

    rockin teh buckeye state halla great site look foward to some great convos :joint: