this ever happend to you


today i was hangin out with a friend of mine and well as you can guess we got BLAZED,i smoked till i was about to pass out and didnt want to smoke any more,i told my friend i had enough and didnt want any more,after about 2 minutes he lights up and passes it to me and i start smoking and not even realize it,i got so burnt and had the hardest time driving back to my place, not saying that its a bad thing or anything like that,its kinda funny in a way LOL


Well-Known Member
That's not a crime here in Toke'N'Talk. Ramble away! ... And yeah, I've gotten too high... said I'm done... and then not 10 minutes later find myself smoking a blunt and wondering how the fuck I'm still able to stand on my own two feet.


Active Member
Yeah, I said I was done at my friends house... I went to go lay down on the bed/couch thing in the smoking room (like $5,000 worth of pieces with munchies and soft things and blacklights) and I was waiting for the room to stop rotating...

Then I found the gravity, and smoked like 2 more grams

One fucked up night.


Well-Known Member

I guess they're not stoned ... definitely helps with hostility issues ...
as I say... "Dude negativity festers in you..." Just how some people are...



Well-Known Member
There's just a LOT of 'em lately! I have no idea why!

... Perhaps youngsters trying to prove something? Maybe they're out of school because their districts have been closed because of the swine flu.


Well-Known Member
There's just a LOT of 'em lately! I have no idea why!

... Perhaps youngsters trying to prove something? Maybe they're out of school because their districts have been closed because of the swine flu.
the average teenager does like to pop off at the mouth/keyboard quite a bit.
i havent had a job for a few months so i havent really been able to get retardedly baked in a while. the worst was when i was driving down to wyoming with all my shit and my girlfriend and we started roasting bowls, next thing i knew it was like an hour later and i couldnt see straight, that was a rough drive....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I actually DO this kind of shit to people who smoke with me.I just keep lighting up and telling them,"Come on, now, it's rude to let me smoke alone." I like to make them beg me to quit it as they ooze down the couch, lol.
today i was hangin out with a friend of mine and well as you can guess we got BLAZED,i smoked till i was about to pass out and didnt want to smoke any more,i told my friend i had enough and didnt want any more,after about 2 minutes he lights up and passes it to me and i start smoking and not even realize it,i got so burnt and had the hardest time driving back to my place, not saying that its a bad thing or anything like that,its kinda funny in a way LOL


Maybe they're out of school because their districts have been closed because of the swine flu.
thats it buddy right there you hit the nail on teh head with that one.

no offense smalldog, i was being a smartass because you had created such a n00b thread but srsly, havent we all done that like a million times?


Well-Known Member
Does it really matter? And everyone was a n00b at some point, the l33t seem to forget that. I'm sure you're guilty of 'n00b crimes' far worse than babbling on in a forum for the hell of it.

I mean, to call him a n00b when you guys are at the same level is kinda presumptuous. Keep that in mind. Just chill out and stop acting like a puffed up poppinjay.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you seriously sound like you're like 13 years old man. your shit's not impressing anyone.

but on the subject...I usually get really stoned to a point where I don't want to be with my one friend. everytime I say I don't want any more, he lights up for me despite my prtest and begging and yelling. one time he got me so bad it felt like I was melting to his floor.