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  1. BarryBwana

    The trials and tribulations of Barry "the newb" Bwana's first grow...

    I should add my set up is messy cause it's in a storage area while I wait for my tent to come tomorrow!!!
  2. BarryBwana

    The trials and tribulations of Barry "the newb" Bwana's first grow...

    Updates & pictures! Took your advice Somatek and took off the dome. I put the peat pellet with the germinated seed (transfered in last night) in a mug with cling wrap covering it under the visible growth yet. I also set up a large house fan to gently shake the seedling with good...
  3. BarryBwana

    The trials and tribulations of Barry "the newb" Bwana's first grow...

    Thanks for the reply! It's going to be soil with perlite instead of coco I think, so I can make the first learning curve more manageable. Still recommend burying the stem? If so, should I keep the soil around the stem dry for a while and just water the edges or is there a better technique to...
  4. BarryBwana

    Welcome New Members!

    How do you pH soil? Run water through it then test the water?
  5. BarryBwana

    Seeds sprout but no growth?

    Thanks!! One of the rockwool seedlings stretched a bit and I was planning on putting it into a soil/perlite mix. Would it be OK to bury the stem given the water retention differences between rw and soil/perlite mix? Or should I just support it?
  6. BarryBwana

    The trials and tribulations of Barry "the newb" Bwana's first grow...

    Someone who has already given me a lot of good advice suggest I start a thread, so here it goes. First ever serious grow attempt and germinated in paper towel (2 pineapple kush from royal queen seeds)before transplanting into rockwool(rw) cubes with the intent of doing coco (wanted to prep for...
  7. BarryBwana

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    Pic didn't load....
  8. BarryBwana

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    So I put my germinated seeds into rockwool thinking I'd be using coco (first time) but based on good advice will be using soil instead to get my feet wet. Anyways, both seeds germinated beautifully in paper towel before transplanting into the soaked and pH'ed water. However, the early popping...
  9. BarryBwana

    Seeds sprout but no growth?

    I put two germinated seeds into a rockwool and slightly pushed atiny bit of the very top of rockwool the rockwool above the seed together to create this effect...... and one of them popped a stem with no cotyledon....the other one is just stretching like bean stalk under my 12-18 watt T5. The...
  10. BarryBwana

    Grow journal time ☺ (5 strains)

    Apologies for derailing the thread and thank you for humouring me with good grace! JD kindly & very politely gave me a brief rundown on forum ettiquite and is even helping me further in private conversation. I noticed you mention leaf tucking. Is that when you move/weave the new growth along...
  11. BarryBwana

    Grow journal time ☺ (5 strains)

    Thanks for the tips guys! The stretching was before I put them on that rack. I was worried they'd be too close to the Sunblaster T5HO light but moved em up to within 4-6 inches because it's only 12-18 watts. I have a very basic ph test kit and ph,d the rockwool in around 6.0 ish water and...
  12. BarryBwana

    Grow journal time ☺ (5 strains)

    So, is it possible for a seedling to pull off its own leafs? I have two stems up but only one has leafs (4 tiny ones now but the larger 2 are curled down ). Does it have a hope or should I be germinating another?
  13. BarryBwana

    Grow journal time ☺ (5 strains)

    Hey Ben man, I'm just staring my first grow ( placed 2 germinated seeds in rockwool in a nanogrow dome yesterday morning, one is fully sprouted and the other I can only see a bend of stem show so far) and will be doing two Pineapple Kush in a 2x4 tent using coco in 5 gallons fabric pots. Any...