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  1. imaghostx

    Kush van stich Auto Seed project

    Another quick update things still seem to be going great, getting good growth each day. one is still stunted badly but i decided to let it go and see what it turns out like
  2. imaghostx

    Kush van stich Auto Seed project

    Just a quick few day update. These are day 15. everything seems fine so far, i have not been feeding much of anything just some starter root stimulant and that is about it. I have been reading up alot on here about the COBB setups and after this seed grow I am going to invest in Some Cob...
  3. imaghostx

    Kush van stich Auto Seed project

    Yes i have heard some bad things aswell, got them from a friend for free so im just doing it kinda just for shits and giggles while i wait for my outdoor grow to be done. I have not really had much luck with autos period but these kush van stich seems to be doing much better then my last batch...
  4. imaghostx

    Kush van stich Auto Seed project

    Ive started 7 kush van stich auto regular seeds in the hopes of breeding them together i will update photos weekly. I also put one in a smaller pot to see how much the difference in yield will be. One of the seeds grew in threes. It had three round first leaves, its stunted and growing odd. I...
  5. imaghostx

    Trying SCROG for the first time.

    Well i have always been curious on how well this works so i thought Id try my hand at it. I have 2 buhdah kush that I have super cropped pretty aggressively. I have the screen ready just waiting for a bit more height out of the girls. I will start lollipopping when they reach the screen. First...
  6. imaghostx

    First auto grow Kandy kush.

    Kandy Kush Auto
  7. imaghostx

    First Grow Ever-Autos

    I have been a long time reader and watcher of this site. I have finally could not stand it anymore and had to give it a try for myself. for my first grow I wanted to start off small. I ordered 4 candy Kush auto seeds and dove right in. I did a bit of research and decided to try the led lights...