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  1. wishitwereleagle

    just chopped

    yeah its one plant . right now it weighs 130g but mostly water. should be around an ounce when dry
  2. wishitwereleagle

    just chopped

    well i jjust harvested on of my plants not sure what strand wife forgot to relable when re potting. they are a little heavier than my last harvest. still looking for any advise to increase my yeilds. more pic when i chop the rest.
  3. wishitwereleagle

    i want fat nugs

    how do you get dense nugs? am using ff big bloom and molasses. is there any thing i should try any help is good help
  4. wishitwereleagle

    what is better for yeild?

    So I just harvested and am not really happy with my yield. I used a 400w light for veg and flower, ff nutes no co2. My question is would i benefit more buy using a bigger light or using co2? My new clones are under the 400 and i cant decide what i should do . Please help with some ideas. Well...
  5. wishitwereleagle

    when do you start molasses

    I started flower apr 12 and they aren't looking to bad using foxfarm big bloom extra strength but have heard using sugar is pretty good but when? they are around 4 and a half too 5 feet tall please help thanx
  6. wishitwereleagle

    lighting question

    I am fairily new to this indoor and have a question regaurding flowering. I have a 400w hps light right now and throungh my work i was able to get a 400w mh light (it is really a parking lot light but i can rewire it )but it is only good for mh will that be fine along with the hps or no? 5 plant...
  7. wishitwereleagle

    need help

    sorry i think i posted it twice but thanks for the info. i was really worried for a min but you have really put me back at ease. So using my hps will be fine but should i go back to my mh when it comes in? to me it seems as if they doubled in size since going under the mh dont want to lose that...
  8. wishitwereleagle


    thanks i was worried about stressing them out. i am so glad this site is here it nice to be able to ask like minded people for help and get straight answers now i can smoke a bowl :weed:and stop worring about them this is my first indoor grow and a little stessful:? have a stoney day
  9. wishitwereleagle

    need help

    i need some advise my mh lamp went out and im not ready to flower. my plants are under 1ft but dont want to flower untill they are around 18in . what should i do? my floros are 2 40w that i used for thenm right after they came out of the clone dome or should i use hps untill i get my new mh...
  10. wishitwereleagle


    i need some advice my mh lamp went out and im not ready to flower but i think that they are to big for my 2 50w flos.have 5 plants going ranging from 6in to 10in wont be able to get new lamp for4 to 5 days will they be fine if i use my hps ? new and dont know what to do
  11. wishitwereleagle

    will this set up produce

    i am using a 400mh for veg and a 400hps along with 4 23w cfl for flowering. i have a fan for circ. and am using a 12x10 bedroom so i dont think heat will be a problem. will this produce or should i be doing something else? any help is great new to this.thanks
  12. wishitwereleagle

    looking for a doctor

    does any one know of a good doc. in the colorado area
  13. wishitwereleagle

    mmj card in colorado

    thanks do you know if 8 yrs is too long or is it not an issue
  14. wishitwereleagle

    mmj card in colorado

    looking for a doctor in colorado that can help me get a card. i was in a car accident 8 yrs ago and am now suffering from pain in my sholder and head aches. i also have pain in my hand after work . the only problem i havent been to a doctor for the pain and dont have insurance. how should i go...