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  1. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    Th Thanks again for the help, i forgot to mention also i am looking for something that will work with my current 4x4 scrog that i am about to flower would the 4 1825s or 10 1212 be enough to light the 4x4 area for this 4x4 grow before. I unfortunately have to make my flower room smaller after...
  2. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    sounds good, As for curiosity what would the efficiency of the last 3 suggestions be? the 4 1825s, 10 1212s, and 4 1212s at 25W Thanks!
  3. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    also, what are the new lights you are getting in, should i hold off on the citizen cobs??
  4. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    looking for efficiency a bit more as it is 23 cents a kWh where i live, i was wondering about the 4 1825s what efficiency would i get with these?
  5. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    I have been looking at you site, sent you an email as well. what do you suggest for my 5 x 2 by 7 high flower room and my 2 x 20'' x 8 high secondary flower room?
  6. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    Thanks! any advice on the spectrum and cri ?, this will be a flower only light, from the looks of things 3500k 80 seems to be pretty popular, also are you running your 8 zeros on 2 drivers? if only we could get some decent prices on cobs an heatsinks up here in Canada!! Thanks for all the input.
  7. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    Yes definitely want to go passive sinks for sure, what would be the max watts would you run those 120s passively? curious on what your thoughts are new vero 29 vs ClU 1818 ?
  8. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    Thanks for the input, what do you suggest using for the heatsink?
  9. Bubz23

    New cob light setup Citizen or vero 29S? looking for best bang for your buck chip

    Hey Guys, fairly new to RIU here been trolling EXTENSIVELY over the past 6 moths and am now on to my first grow. Currently growing in a 4ft x 8 ft x 7 feet grow room i built with 5 plants (Pineapple Express) LST and now currently under a scrog. I am looking to build some flowering lights using...