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  1. R

    First set up build! What do you think, and some ?s

    Let me know what you think? This is my first attempt at what I began as a Ebb & Flow system (Flood and Drain), but turned into a Drip System. I'm happy with results. I basically just got to putting things together and ended up with this. My question would be the water flow and how much. There is...
  2. R

    Need electric Timer for Ebb & Flow...LOST!

    Well, just got back from Wal Mart, Found one for 6 bucks! :hump: Cheap Brinks button one, but is perfect!
  3. R

    Need electric Timer for Ebb & Flow...LOST!

    (QUOTE)I water three times a day during lights on and I use cheeeeeep mech timers.(UNQUOTE) This is what I am looking for! Exactly...
  4. R

    Need electric Timer for Ebb & Flow...LOST!

    Absolutely doesn't have to be digital! I just didn't know they had the push button with the option of ON/OFF more then once a day! I just need a timer that can turn on my pump on multiple time through out the day for 15 min at a time! I guess I should of said that to begin with! I'll blame it on...
  5. R

    Need electric Timer for Ebb & Flow...LOST!

    I simply just cant find a inexpensive digital timer for water pump! Any idea's? I looked at the Lowes, Menards, and Home Depot sites. Cant seem to find one anywhere! Please help....I did find a power strip with digital timer at Lowes for $20.00, but they discontinued carrying it! Urrrr
  6. R

    Local Hardware Store CFL Choices for the Best $$$

    OK, I was in a thread discussion not long ago here on this same issue! Only now I am ready to buy some extra lights! What are your opinion's on this purchase? If you have a better budget buy. Please feel free to share! This thread is focused on Local Hardware Stores, not internet buy sites...
  7. R

    Red Stem?

    I am about to harvest in about a week or two. I have two to be harvested. Same strain(Blueberry), in fact they came from the same plant(seeds)! The stems have been different ever since the were seedlings! One purple, and one green. They both are doing just fine! I do believe I read somewhere...
  8. R

    Veg Nute, 20-20-20 or 24-8-16?

    Cool, I have a mix set up at 1/4 the strength. I was going to introduce to the babies at 3 weeks. Is that too late? I plan on vegging till node start to stagger. Then it's 12/12. :)
  9. R

    Veg Nute, 20-20-20 or 24-8-16?

    Veg Nute, 20-20-20 or 24-8-16? These are the nutes I have available to me at this time. The strain is Blueberry. Please, any suggestions? P.S. this smiley(kiss-ass) had me rolling in my chair! It says kiss ass, but I seen it it differently when it was smaller. LOL
  10. R

    First Gro Diesel Ryder, Bagseed FL

    I know this was an old thread, but does anyone see something wrong here! LOL What was this guy harvesting? I know it wasnt that 4 inch plant! That harvest would yield maybe a 1 hit or 2! Poor plant LOL Was a pretty plant tho!
  11. R

    First CFL Grow, DAY 25 Flower!

    Thank You for advise! This IS something I did not take into consideration! I am not for sure the rating on my sockets, they have no rating on them! So if I do go with something bigger, I will defiantly make sure I am using right socket! Most likely buy one when getting light! Better to be safe...
  12. R

    300 watt CFL's from Home Depot

    I too started to have this problem, just not the heat issue! The bottoms were sparse, so I added lighting, and it made a huge difference. I started to get more bud sites down below, now they are filling in. I did this about middle of first week into flower! Now I see, YOU CANT HAVE TOO MUCH...
  13. R

    First CFL Grow, DAY 25 Flower!

    Of course, I want HID. This is what my father uses, and the yield is ALWAYS substantial! He also grows hydroponicly. These two factors make quite a bit of difference! I just dont have that type of $$$ now! These are principle factors in my future grow!
  14. R

    300 watt CFL's from Home Depot

    See what I mean with bottom as well. The sites down there are full, so I want to put big on down in the middle!
  15. R

    300 watt CFL's from Home Depot

    This would be an ideal light for the lower end of my plant! I would really only need one, maybe two! I agree, with foliage interference! I have lights from top to bottom! Not just tops! I have many bud sites on bottom as well. I would like to see some growth from them as well! :)
  16. R

    300 watt CFL's from Home Depot

    Thats a better lumin rating then the ones I found! How much, and where did you purchase this one? Thanks for post!
  17. R

    300 watt CFL's from Home Depot

    These too fit into regular socket!
  18. R

    300 watt CFL's from Home Depot

    The one's at Wal Mart are 2700K 75 watts, lumins are rated at 3'400! They are equivalent to a 300 watt. They are only 12 bucks each! I believe this is my choice, because I am in flower!
  19. R

    First CFL Grow, DAY 25 Flower!

    I too have done a little price comparisons! I found at Wal Mart, not my local one tho, 75 watters with a lumins rating of 3,400 each! Which fit into regular socket! 12 bucks a pop! I have 12 sockets available (on timers) with 24 watters (2700K) putting out about 1600 lumins each! How can you go...