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  1. First grow mo

    Too early

    More pics
  2. First grow mo

    Too early

    G'day guys I've been growing for a few months now and I've posted b4 about my plants and asked the question was I picking too early at the time I still had 5girls that were in there 12-12 cicyle I picked a auto flower that I had growing for a long time it turned out ok considering it was my...
  3. First grow mo

    my first grow

    Can I ask how u got the plant to grow rage way it did they look really good man was there a special way u did it can u plz give me the run dwn I'm a f
  4. First grow mo

    First time growing

    Pics are for the comment b4 this one
  5. First grow mo

    First time growing

    They have been on 12-12 for 18 days now will post more pics of grow tent
  6. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    Yeah I've looked into that I might give it a try when my clones are ready . Do u no of a good strain that u recommend for a first time grower I wnt something that has a good track record so I yield a big yield next time p
  7. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    Yeah they are stretching really bad Ay these last few days they won't stop growing is that ok thou
  8. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    Do these look ok to u there 15 days into flower
  9. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    One more thing how do I get my buds really fat the ones on that auto weren't that fat at all I was quit disappointed wit my self as it looked nothing like the ones I see on you tube
  10. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    I really can't tell ya but I think I had it on 12-12 for 10 maybe 12 weeks I think not 100 percent sure as I moved it from on tent to another when I got the outher plants
  11. First grow mo

    First time growing

    Hi guys this will be my first grow i won't to no how I can improve my grow does this look ok to use it's a 600 watt the medium is soil and perlite I've got sensi a-b also have nutrifeild a-b I've got some monster bud and a few more I'm no what I need for my feeding schedule as I'm getting...
  12. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    I had it on 18 on 6 off untill it flowed then 12 12 I just went forever I put her in the pot on December 8th last year so that's almost 5 months maybe a week off but it's been the same for most 3 weeks without a single change while the other plants are growing along just fine without any...
  13. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    I pulled her down about 30 mins ago I didn't won't To but my flat mate has caused so trouble which has caught the attention of the police they were ere this morning looking for the ass hole and said if he don't come to the police STM they will come get him from home so I freaked out a little and...
  14. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    That's a clear shot I hope
  15. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    The temp is 27 degrees the strain I'm not sure of to be honest wit use it's my first ever grow it's under a 600 watt hps I'm feeding it sensi a-b it's in soil I've got 4 Plants all up 3 are lemon lush 1 skunk and the auto which was given to me by a mate the outher plants are 8 weeks old...
  16. First grow mo

    Auto problem

    G'day guys I just won't to no how Long does a auto flower live for . I've had this auto for 5 months now she's well in to flower but I'm starting to lose patience with it as it's hit the 5th month is that normal this is my first grow so I'm not 100 percent sure what to expect
  17. First grow mo

    1st grow set up need advice. Please.

    G'day bud just wnt to say I brought the same set up and it done the job or I should say it's doing it's job but the prob your going to have is that it's going to get really really warm in the room and even with a fan it won't cool dwn unless u keep the doors open on the tent
  18. First grow mo

    Plz help with my auto flower

    G'day guys just need some info on my auto flower plants up untill last week I wasent sure if my plant was a auto flower or not as I mixed my seeds up but anyway long story short I no now there the auto flower ones and I don't no much About this strain i won't to no if I can continue with the...
  19. First grow mo


    G'day guys just have a question My 2week old seedlings are yellow in colour I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong there waterd when needed plenty of light and fresh air so I'm stunned on what to do plz help
  20. First grow mo

    Question about my plants

    What I should ask is how do I use the nut and how much during flower and veg ATM I'm only useing the one nut