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  1. First grow mo

    Question about my plants

    Thanks lilmafi513 dats does help me out with info I do have one more question thou sorry to be a pain but I've brought a hole heap of nut I will post a pic can u tell me if they are ok and which one to use for flower sorry again for all the questions thanks Dude
  2. First grow mo

    Question about my plants

    G'day guys this is my first grow and I have a few questions if anyone can help me out I would be really apprecetive. at the moment I have around 10 plants 8 of the plants are about 7 daysold the outher 2are 4weeks old I won't to put the 2into flower the problem I have is I only have the one...
  3. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    Thank u so much for the reply and your are right I will be looking into it. A lot more thanks again mate greatly appreciated
  4. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    Thank u so much for the reply and your are right I will be looking into it. A lot more thanks again mate greatly appreciated
  5. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    These are my little ones are the pots too small
  6. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    Any tips on what I can improve on
  7. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    I was spraying the leves when I had nut in the spray bottle and that's what happend to it the bottem leves went all weird on me ever since I stopped feeding it that particular nut it's all back to normal
  8. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    This is one of the plants I've darted growing is this a ok size for a 4 week old
  9. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    Hopefully the pics come up
  10. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    Sorry guys I dident realize my pics dident come up wasent trying to be a smartass just havering trouble posting pics
  11. First grow mo

    Pics of my first grow

    Can someone tell me if the pots I'm useing are to small I don't have to much room so dats why I've chosen this size
  12. First grow mo

    My first grow running into problems plz help

    Hi guys this is the first time I've been on this forum I've just started my first grow a little while a go and I've hit a brick wall my plants seem to have just stopped growing. They are under a 600 watt mh light the plants are regular Kerala- skunk feminised at the beginning I basically...