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  1. Cann

    Thatguy's Quest For The Best

    looks great man, i'll be around to watch the progress. solid job on those mainlines, lookin real symmetrical. you should post some pics of your qrazy train harvest reason not to :mrgreen: I'm sure folks wouldn't mind a double post of some bud porn lol
  2. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    Been so damn busy this week, sorry about the lack of updates. Things are moving along well in the flower room, today is officially the end of week 3 and the ladies are looking great. Luckily I have had a few spare moments to shoot some pics so theres some nice underage bud porn for yall :weed: A...
  3. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    Word, I didn't build a sub panel for mine, Instead I designated a 50amp dual pole breaker for my lights ONLY - wired this with 8/2 romex and hooked it up to a C.A.P. Master Light Controller with 8 outlets. I could potentially run 8000w on this, but since I only run 600s and only 6 at a time I...
  4. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    word, if they're dimmable and you can handle the heat from 1000s I'd say go for it, but you'll have to have your canopy farther away and you might end up with the same amount of usable lumens to your ladies. you should do the calculation of heat/distance/lumens with 600 vs 1000 to decide if its...
  5. Cann

    Wolfpack's TGA Ganja Garden

    fuck yeah lookin good man - glad to see someone else who is up late workin in their garden :mrgreen: i cant ever seem to get to bed before 3 or 4 haha, i get caught in the flower room and can't leave. keep up the good work
  6. Cann

    PH and fert mixing

    so lets say my tap water is pure trash poison and i can't mix it with my RO, what should I cut my RO with to add alkalinity and ppm? I don't necessarily have a source of high pH low tds decent water (such as well water). is there a buffer I can add straight to my water? thanks for all the help
  7. Cann

    PH and fert mixing

    k question about mixing organic ferts and pH: I make a bloom compost tea using Roots Organic nutrients which ends up being around 5.0 pH once it is mature and ready. I am finding that I have to add a whole lot of pH up to the mix to raise the pH even a little bit, for example a 4 gallon batch...
  8. Cann

    Jillybean 12/12 stretch question

    Alright figured I would share this since she has responded so positively. First off, she was vegged for about two months before the lights were flipped on 11/17. The first picture was the day I tied her down (11/22) she is the back right plant in the left hand row. Second picture is her response...
  9. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    yeah, basically what I did was hook up all 6 at the beginning but for veg and flower only had 3 or 4 lights plugged in, now I have 5 running (starting 3rd week flower), bout to turn on the 6th in a week or so. not exactly sure what you're saying about flipping to 1000? but if you have the...
  10. Cann

    cannabis and commitment fighting cancer. a budding grow journal.

    thought I would post this - unsure how many people have seen this great video: keep up the good work, I'm subbed to this one. love to see people who are truly using this plant for medicine, unlike most "compassionate caregivers" or what have you...
  11. Cann

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    yeah running 6 600s in the 8x8 is great, the ladies are flooded with light. The only time it's no good is this time of month when the power bill shows up....:shock: god damn so cal edison robbing me blind!!!
  12. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    word good lookin out - i'll be sure to pick some up next time i have the $$$ waiting for the lights to turn on in the flower room to snap pics, then i'll be back for an update peace
  13. Cann

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    Damn, been missin out on this thread but now I'm subbed up. Solid work SFguy :hump: keep up the good shit, glad to see you're gettin some - but don't forget about all the other ladies in your life!!! and most importantly never tell any of the ladies about eachother :blsmoke: don't want a...
  14. Cann

    Oriah's Garden - SuperSoil TGA perpetual medical SCROG

    Beautiful as always Oriah. Pumped to see a smoke report on that Chernobyl, been thinking about picking up a few beans myself but no room currently :(. Damn TGA genetics, too many dank strains to choose from! How long till you chop that "I" pheno? It's starting to fade real nice, love those...
  15. Cann

    Oregon Diesel The perfect PNW Plant?

    Why do people visit subs threads just to hate on him??? It makes no sense! If you actually read the first few posts you would have seen this: And there you heard it directly from the man himself...there will be no TGA label on this strain! Now stop making a fool of yourself and go back to...
  16. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    Thank you sir. I'm trying my hand at mainlining two ladies, I'll post pictures tomorrow of their progress (there are a few pics of when i chopped them if you scroll back in my posts). Would love any input you have on the situation. I think I did one of them wrong (cut above the first node not...
  17. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    Just finished up a bunch of work in both rooms. In the veg room I planted a bunch of rooted clones into party cups, and transplanted some well established clones from party cups into 1 gallon pots. . I now have a f1 cut of every female seed I popped, so my genetics will all live on! After I had...
  18. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on! Figured I'd upload this as a video instead of just a link so y'all can see it easier. Here you go. More pics/updates to come later tonight
  19. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    don't the leaves need co2 to survive the few days in the mail? I image they would turn to mush in a vacuum bag, maybe I am mistaken though. anyone try this?
  20. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    Agreed, unfortunately the person who sent me the cuts is pretty damn cheap and refused to pay for overnight shipping...apparently the dankness of that permafrost wasn't worth $50 to them!!! I obviously failed to explain the gravity of the situation to them, and since they are a n00b they don't...