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  1. H

    When to lower light

    home at 6 Do then. Will keep u updated. Thanks again. I have a lux meter at home and I was guna follow royal queen seeds lux guidelines Cuz they autos and my first grow was guna start flower light height suggested by mars hydro at 18 inch But if U look at my pics not...
  2. H

    When to lower light

    I have 2 lights but only one on at 24 inches 100 % power. I was told to lower to 18 at flower and put n 2nd light at that time. IAM just curious when “that time” is.
  3. H

    When to lower light

    What do u suggest whattzup
  4. H

    When to lower light

    WHat d
  5. H

    When to lower light

    Is that coco ?
  6. H

    When to lower light

    WHat height and do u know my specific light. ?
  7. H

    When to lower light

    Hey whattzup Can u lend me some advice. If u scroll up u will see my pics. When shud I lower light to flower power strength. I was told both lights at 100 power at 18 inch But pre flower by looks of it just started Any advice Wud be awesome I do like what hydro and fev...
  8. H

    When to lower light

    I had both lights at 20 inch in veg for a few days and my lux meter was through the roof and I light burned them so that have to adjust to 1 light at 24inch So Iam afraid to go to 18 inch and turn both lights on for flower I was wondering when plant can handle more light
  9. H

    When to lower light

    So I dont need to stretch they look ok how I LST them low like this. And I just started to get pistols yesterday. So now Iam has n preflower by looks of it and there autos I was wonder when to lower it to 18 inch ? And I have a second tsl2000 light that I will turn on for flower when do...
  10. H

    When to lower light

    Hydro kid. Can I look at my pics and help me out u have been a lot Of help in past. Do I need to stretch ? What light height u suggest
  11. H

    When to lower light

    So my tsl2000 is at 24 inch above canopy what height do u suggest to make em stretch and then when do I go 18 inch above for flowering power ?
  12. H

    When to lower light

    Damn Man said donkey dick. Lol
  13. H

    When to lower light

    I thought that’s how u LST. with LST the lower the better. My top of stem pretty much touching edge (top) of pot
  14. H

    When to lower light

    There stem is laying down on there back. LST to the fullest that’s why they squat
  15. H

    Autoflower light change

    Hey all. Day 37 I think on my autoflowers and Iam starting to see pistols on 3 out of 4 plants I have 2 tsl2000 lights and it says 24 inch for veg and 18 inch flower if only pistols now
  16. H

    When to lower light

    Hey everyone I am at day 37 with my Autoflowers and Iam now seeing pistols (in pic) so I have 2 tsl2000 lights and at veg 24 inch and at flower 18 inches when do I lower lights ?
  17. H

    Fungus gnats in coco

    I just heard from a few coco growers so I looked it up And figured I Wud ask a few questions
  18. H

    Fungus gnats in coco

    Hey was I was thinking of using a and b and that’s it for my first coco grow. Also straight coco no perlite. Any advice