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  1. H

    Is it safe to defoliate autos

    Lol. Ain't that the truth
  2. H

    Autos in ffof

    Poor plant. My rookie mistake almost killed it. That pic a few days after a fucked itvup so colour of spots are a bit dif colour
  3. H

    Autos in ffof

    U mentioned exactly what happen to me. I was ph ing my water to 6.5 and then I got this Spots n got confused and then had to flush the ph down solution out of this one plant cuz it fucked it up.
  4. H

    Autos in ffof

    Iam at day 30. My bottom 2 leaves (not the coteyton ones but the 1 finger ridged leaves )are turning light green on one plant. No spots tho
  5. H

    Autos in ffof

    I have autos in ffof and was told to wait for 20-40 days to when this soil runs out of organic nute then to start giving my own as per feed chart but at 1/4 the dose and work up in strength. Can anyone give some pointers on the signs to look for in my plants to tell me it’s time to feed nuts...
  6. H

    Best medium

    Or can u let me in a n your ratios (special recipe ) Some guides lines maybe. Iam just a bit lost and looking for some guidance and it seems like u know your stuff
  7. H

    Best medium

    Iam in Canada is that stuff sold here aswell and is there a site that you can look up the ratios to mix in cuz that does sounds ideal
  8. H

    Best medium

    It’s my first grow and Iam just looking to keep it as easy as possible but will put in some work for quality and specially for quality so I will listen up On am using ffof and not having fun so far What type of soil do u use I like how coco sounded due to the naked slate With...
  9. H

    Best medium

    Can u go into a bit more detail on this For if quality is with soil then that’s where I will be. What type of soil is best. The organic ffof stuff is a bit uncontrollable?
  10. H

    Is it safe to defoliate autos

    I fully agree Mcstrats
  11. H

    Is it safe to defoliate autos

    What type of coco
  12. H

    Best medium

    I want to try every other day Long like soil Wud Ben nice BUT there are so many benefits with coco. No bugs. No over water. Vigorous growth =bigger yield. So I really wanna go coco. Do plastic pots Fabric. Or air pots That u water so often ?
  13. H

    Best medium

    My only one concern is the watering once a day. Ian there anyway I can stretch that to every second day Maybe bigger pots or something else
  14. H

    Best medium

    So I was told to alternate water to feed every other watering with soil to reduce salt build up So your say with coco feed my nutes every feed (possibly daily) just at Maybe 50% feedchart recommended dosage ? And if it gets too high just flush since coco very easy to flush
  15. H

    Best medium

    Iam doing organic now and having problems. This is why I was thinking switch next grow. But get some opinions first Do u mix perlite with coco coir ? If so how much approx ?
  16. H

    Best medium

    Please tell me more on this. This is almost exact mix I want to use perlite-coco. How’s quality and density n yield
  17. H

    Best medium

    WHat I Red so far is coco coir u Are u saying the bud quality will be better in soil aswell. Or just flavour. Coco = bigger yield I heard but I will not give up quality for quantity
  18. H

    Best medium

    Anyone have any pros and cons in this category.
  19. H

    Best medium

    Why do u say it like that ? I did a bit of research and it sounds like coco is the filet minion. Coco = more oxygen. No way to Over water. More vigorous growth. And no bugs