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  1. B

    help: flushing with molasses?

    Hi all, I'm not really a newb at growing but I've never heard of flushing? I was always of the school that your plants would only be as good as their heritage but perhaps I'm wrong? can you please explain to me the process of flushing with molasses and to what end result is expected? I...
  2. B

    Hash with stems only?

    Hi all, I'm pretty sure that there isn't any thc in the stems. (other than perhaps if there is some sort of leaf on it then its probably a waste of time and butane if you go that way) quote dirty harry: "man's got to know his limitations" ... somtimes you just gotta let it go. I had to...
  3. B

    When to harvest a male plant?

    Hi, I don't know what the thread told ... but I make it with butane ... i usually put it in a pvc pipe because you want the butane to do much like you'd want your water to act while growing the plants which is to run through the soil and then out. So get a vertical thing going so the butane...
  4. B

    What has happened to my plants? Help me ASAP!

    Hi all, Its my experience that you'll probably be better off to go ahead as mentioned with the seeds germinating and you'll probably end up using them. I read a contradiction which is that there was mention of too much water and then .... not enough. I doubt you'll come away a winner if you...