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  1. S

    help please

    Hi all have 10 lowryder plants set up up about 25 days now maybe more. I am using 250 watt hps with a fan. Thwe light is a good distance from the plants, but i have noticed the last week maybe more, that 2 of my plants are yellowing at the end and the leaves at the top are curling up a bit. I am...
  2. S

    Humidity help

    That sounds good to me, but whats an air cooled hood?? thanks for everybodys comments
  3. S

    Humidity help

    Hey all hope you can help me, i have sent up a new grow of low ryder, its 10 days in so far but my temp is pretty high and my humidity is around 30-40 percent, I want my temp down and my humidity up to around 60-80 percent how do i get this?? Please help .thank you.:joint:
  4. S

    yellow/brown leaves,curling inwards

    nice, when you toke think of me lol!!!!111
  5. S

    yellow/brown leaves,curling inwards

    I dont have an extraction fan i open the doors each night and i have the vents opened on the tent. I'll plant them in bigger pots tomorrow. thanks for the hlp dude hopefully this works for me and might i say thats some nice green going on. What plant are they?
  6. S

    yellow/brown leaves,curling inwards

    I'm using a 250 wat, i aranged the fan now and brought lights up a bit more, have to buy ph tester tomorrow to test the soil, i'm shittin a brick first grow and all!!!! thanks for getting back. The soil i'm using is plagrow, its a grow mix with perlite, got it in the grow shop.
  7. S

    yellow/brown leaves,curling inwards

    hey guys, Have my baby's about 2 weeks now and the last few days they have been curling upwards with brown and yellow spots, i water when the the top soil is dry. The hum is 50-55 temp usally 75-80. yesterday i got super thrive added a pin drop to a litre of tap water, I dont know what to do...