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  1. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    I was wondering what was causing the weird colors. I was giving them nitrogen still because one plant wasn't flowering yet
  2. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    So my second Jock went into flower fully finally. The first one is coming along nicely
  3. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    I just transferred my grow from the attic to my closet. Hopefully my temps will be much easier to manage
  4. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    I gave it some rooting hormones and it stopped growing for a week or so. It autoflowered like it should've it just wasn't as big as it should've been because i added the hormone. I thought it would improve root growth
  5. SuperHI TnT

    Jock Horror Autoflower!

    A similar thing just happened to me with a jock horror auto. I stunted it with rooting hormones and it didn't grow for over a week. Now it's flowering at a month but it's so small I may just pull it
  6. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    Check this of my jock seedlings is flowering
  7. SuperHI TnT

    Jock Horror Autoflower!

    Yes I do have a journal going...
  8. SuperHI TnT

    Jock Horror Autoflower!

    You have the right idea blue ridge. Mine were topped accidentally and it worked out but i wouldn't do it again with the auto jock horror
  9. SuperHI TnT

    Jock Horror Autoflower!

    Day 66
  10. SuperHI TnT

    Jock Horror Autoflower!

    My Jock autos are flowering right now and the one piece of advice I have to give you your nutes like a hawk. These babies are super sensitive to nutes. I can't give them anymore than half strength dyna grow and I've still burned them twice. The first burn killed my top growth on one...
  11. SuperHI TnT

    Who you gonna call? Myth busters!

    Dynagrow FTW! I don't like all the graphic art on the bottle...bud candy sounds and looks great if you're a 12 year old lol
  12. SuperHI TnT

    DWC res water to hot

    Glad to here you solved your problems. It's nice having beautiful roots and lush greenery isn't it
  13. SuperHI TnT

    DWC res water to hot

    I'm glad your setup works for you organic miner. Sounds like you have a pretty streamlined grow. Set it and forget it type stuff. P.s. I wish my air temps topped out at 85 because my peltier would have my Rez at a steady 68 degrees as well. But they don't instead they top out around 100 degrees...
  14. SuperHI TnT

    DWC res water to hot

    In reality the only reason 68 is the recommended temp is to prevent algae and bacteria from growing not because the plant needs that temp to grow or thrive. In the end there is always more than one way to skin a cat and chilling your water isn't the only way to keep algae and bacteria from...
  15. SuperHI TnT

    DWC res water to hot

    I'm not trying to be a dick but sometimes a 68 degree Rez is impractical and it isn't a necessity in my experience. I just wanted to let everyone know that a decent plant can be grown at higher temps. it just seems like a lot of people think that it's absolutely necessary to have a chiller when...
  16. SuperHI TnT

    DWC res water to hot

    Those airlines aren't going to my bet pots actually. I have one airline going into the Rez and it tee's off into two airlines that go to the bottom of the Rez. What you see there is just the roots grown around the airlines. The picture is of my original prototype of my peltier. I upgraded to a...
  17. SuperHI TnT

    The Green Rush debunked

    What kind of a man doesn't like grabbing pussy? What kind of a man doesn't feel the urge to grab a pussy every now and then? What kind of a person doesn't get the urge to grab the opposite sex by the genitals? Women goose men all the time. They like to see what a guy is working with sometimes. I...
  18. SuperHI TnT

    The Green Rush debunked

    I agree with you on the jack-booted thugs down here in Florida but I don't agree with you calling men who grab women by the pussies and then brag about it losers because I do that. I love grabbing women by the pussy. In fact it is truly one of my favorite pass times. Talking about the pussies...
  19. SuperHI TnT

    Central Florida attic grow. Nirvana jock horror auto flower

    Day 61: first buds are forming!!!
  20. SuperHI TnT

    DWC res water to hot

    My Rez gets up to 90 sometimes and I've had zero issues. I have a peltier that gets it back down to 70 every night though and I top it off with ice cold water Tell me those roots don't look perfect