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  1. SuperHI TnT


  2. SuperHI TnT


    or any site that can help
  3. SuperHI TnT


    does anybody know how to smuggle weight from mexico to florida by sailboat
  4. SuperHI TnT

    early budding?

    can anyone post some early budding sativas plz i need to compare
  5. SuperHI TnT

    pics of spider mite infested plants plz

    they dont have alot of spots but it looks like someones eating my bud leaves inside out and there is a blayer of webbing on the stem
  6. SuperHI TnT

    pics of spider mite infested plants plz

    can anyone post an infested plant pic of spider mites
  7. SuperHI TnT

    yellow pistil

    im positive the colas are all over my bushy sativa plant and it is covered in trichomes
  8. SuperHI TnT

    yellow pistil

    ya but the others around look like there changing to gold as well but im not positive about that
  9. SuperHI TnT

    yellow pistil

    for some reason(i think its a bug)there seems to be a layer of web on a 3 inch portion of my main stem and right above that there is a golden colored pistil any answers on this would be a great help
  10. SuperHI TnT

    Brown spots on leaves?

    hey i have the same thing i hope someone can diagnose it
  11. SuperHI TnT


    why is that?
  12. SuperHI TnT


    when is a good time to top a sativa
  13. SuperHI TnT


    its bagseed
  14. SuperHI TnT


    ive got a fem plant that ive had for like to or three months andits growing well but some thing has me wondering.i look at everyone elses and theirs look so full and thick.mine is abot a foot 1/2 tall and its got nicwe hairs all over it but the leaves are thinner its more lanky as well and it...
  15. SuperHI TnT

    sprout help

    alright but what is the problem with the sprouts
  16. SuperHI TnT

    sprout help

    no i was asking is this good fert i havent used any yet
  17. SuperHI TnT

    sprout help

    http:// i use this acid fertilizer
  18. SuperHI TnT


    im just going to take them outside to bloom cause the smell i could never get awat with it in my closet and it will be fall and they will be triggered to bloom
  19. SuperHI TnT

    sprout help

    my sprouts looked great but when i put them in my grow tub for a day they turned brown i think it is because i have no ventilation and it gets hot in there
  20. SuperHI TnT


    after a month can i put them outside and flower them