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  1. O4aUsErNaMe

    Still not dead! 1st time

    hmmm what were we talking about????
  2. O4aUsErNaMe

    How long are seeds good for?

    all my seeds are 6 years old(still work fine) i also found a couple in a match box i stashed i3 years ago. both are growing in my front garden.
  3. O4aUsErNaMe

    Winter Outdoor

    hi i would like to get some more info as well, have never succesfully managed a good autumn winter crop. it would be nice to have some fresh bud around christmas.
  4. O4aUsErNaMe

    growing with sheeps wool..?

    yeah getting it to the plot was the tough bit. i soaked the wool in a twenty litre bucket(i put the wool in loosly packed and filled with water)it will probably sink a bit so put more wool in till you have the bucket 3/4 full of soaking wet wool(carrying that to the patch is hard yakka) then i...
  5. O4aUsErNaMe

    growing with sheeps wool..?

    yeah it worked well, havn't used that method for a while grow close to home now so water is not a problem. i have tried water crystels before,the wool seemed to work better plus if you use the pieces (they have dags on them) it acts as a fertilizer as well.
  6. O4aUsErNaMe


    then snail baits will do just sprinkle a heap around on the ground when you transplant. and check when you water,if they have disappeared put some more out
  7. O4aUsErNaMe

    How long have you been growing...??

    australia,growing for 30 years this year:)
  8. O4aUsErNaMe

    growing with sheeps wool..?

    was just thinking about the early days of my growing and i used to use sheeps wool in the bottom of the hole i was going to plant in. wool is naturally hydrophobic but is capable of holding up to 30% of its mass in water. so it used to be good for those times i could not get to the patch. so...
  9. O4aUsErNaMe

    how to grow monsters

    good luck and keep us posted, if you have critters that are gonna dig up the fish use a fence or just pee in a bottle then fill it up. when you bury the fish put a little hole in the plastic bottle(i use a two litre bottle) then squirt a little around then place the bottle hole side up. this...
  10. O4aUsErNaMe

    how to grow monsters

    you have it,(try to get the fish in a month before you plant)and you dont have to be exact on the 18 inches (that is just a guestemate of how deep i go) hope it works for you it has for me for the last 30 years trial and error will guide you.
  11. O4aUsErNaMe


    they probably do but i have never worried about them to much. you can get snail baits from a garden centre, if outdoors salt around the crop (not too close to the plant) is a cheap way of stopping the pesky little buggers and i have heard mentioned that a bowl or two of beer in the patch...
  12. O4aUsErNaMe

    how to grow monsters

    yes you can plant straight onto the fish but give it 18 inches of soil on top of the fish. i also allow the plants to dry out a bit when they are a bit stronger this makes the roots chase the receding water,then when they hit the fish woohoo I do a lot of deep sea fishing on my boat so i just...
  13. O4aUsErNaMe

    fertilizing monster q's

    I have never grown indoors,but i have used fish and molasses outdoors for a lot of years it has never been a drama. the only thing you have to worry about here are foxes and ferral cats and the old trick of urinating (me and my dog)around the crop has kept them at bay
  14. O4aUsErNaMe

    how to grow monsters

    I see someone actually listened in 5th and 6th grade social studies and history class this method was favored by the native americans to provide good fertile fields for corn and other veggies a real tried and proven method.:???: well i would not say i listened to anything at school but.:) it...
  15. O4aUsErNaMe

    hey are australians allowed in here :)

    hi burbsking yes the weather has been terrific this year. i harvested a little for myself (run out and refuse to pay the ridiculous prices we have around here)so a little early but still plenty left some in a month and some just starting so a good long wait for them.:joint::hump:
  16. O4aUsErNaMe

    how to grow monsters

    yes i dig the hole put the fish in and cover. i do this about a month before i am ready to transplant. just have to make sure there is around a foot of soil between the decaying fish and the newly transplanted plant, this allows the plant to get to around 3 feet and be nice and strong before it...
  17. O4aUsErNaMe

    fertilizing monster q's

    yes that is dried and cured. my secret ingredient is a couple of whole fish,buried around a foot or so below the plant this is so the plant is around 3 feet tall and nice and strong before the roots tap in to the decaying fish(oh i put the fish in about a month before i transplant to the final...
  18. O4aUsErNaMe

    hey are australians allowed in here :)

    you want to check out the yes i have had the cactus for a lot of years have to tie it up so it dont blow over:)
  19. O4aUsErNaMe

    fertilizing monster q's

    i expect to harvest around a pound and a half to two pound per plant. my plants dont get much taller than 9 foot but they grow really bushy. i have a strain (mainly indica) that wants to lay over as it grows so it is more like a not much hight just a lot of bush.
  20. O4aUsErNaMe

    guerrila grow whitout watering chance to survive

    boiling heaps of chilli and garlic in a pot and reduce by 50% then strain and put in a spray bottle helps to control most pests.(dont use for a couple of weeks before picking ,dont want them burning your lips and tasting of garlic)