fertilizing monster q's


Well-Known Member
ok so I'm using homemade organic fertilizers like oak leaf tea, diluted coffee, milk, eggshells, coffee grounds all that good stuff, now how should I go about feeding that to my plants,I WANT MONSTERS! I saw fdd's monsters:mrgreen: and I was wondering how often I should feed my plants, every water or everyother? also how often should I water? does it change when the plant grows? I heard you were supposed to stop feeding your plant when it starts to flower is that true?

do bees collect pollen from male plants?


Well-Known Member
ok I see how it is the doctor can dish out helpful advise but no one can help out the doctor when he is in need!!!!!!!!!!?????????


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i can help much but in my opinion,i only feed them every two weeks.
i then change fron a high nitrogen fert mix to a high pk fert during flowering.

then nothing for the last few weeks so no residual flavors are in there


Well-Known Member
i expect to harvest around a pound and a half to two pound per plant.

my plants dont get much taller than 9 foot but they grow really bushy.

i have a strain (mainly indica) that wants to lay over as it grows so it is more like a creeper.so not much hight just a lot of bush.


Well-Known Member
holy shit! sorry, so what are those fertilizers you use, I'm not really that fertilizer savy. is this prediction for the dry buds


Well-Known Member
yes that is dried and cured.

my secret ingredient is a couple of whole fish,buried around a foot or so below the plant
this is so the plant is around 3 feet tall and nice and strong before the roots tap in to the decaying fish(oh i put the fish in about a month before i transplant to the final position)

lime /gardeners lime is best slow acting (this is to sweeten the soil)
and last of all i use rabbit droppings as the manure(no weeds in rabbit poop)

that is the growing part

for the flowering it has been mentioned on here molases and any low nitrogen

just go to the store and read the labels and pick a flowering plant fert with the least amount of nitrogen


Well-Known Member
Man,ive never used organic ferts like fish & molasses outdoors so i cant say for sure but i cant see either of them being a good thing,molasses has a strong smell & so does fish,my dog likes to lick my soil indoors when i use molasses in it,that fuker'd go nuts for a fish in the dirt.


Well-Known Member
I think the best plan is to set it up so the plants grow on their own without a lot of messing around, every time you visit the patch you are taking a chance of being seen . I dig a big hole(3X3 at least) and fill with a mix of potting soil and slow release fert. Make sure water is available. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Man,ive never used organic ferts like fish & molasses outdoors so i cant say for sure but i cant see either of them being a good thing,molasses has a strong smell & so does fish,my dog likes to lick my soil indoors when i use molasses in it,that fuker'd go nuts for a fish in the dirt.
I have never grown indoors,but i have used fish and molasses outdoors for a lot of years it has never been a drama.

the only thing you have to worry about here are foxes and ferral cats
and the old trick of urinating (me and my dog)around the crop has kept them at bay