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  1. H

    Transplant autos.

    Can I do same with soil
  2. H

    Transplant autos.

    I heard that too but then I risk over watering them
  3. H

    Transplant autos.

    Any have any advice for a newbie I plan to germinate seed in paper towel. Then into solo cups of promix seedling mix then after 10 days into FFOF 5 gallon and these are autos. Any help with plan or watering for seedlings. Please let me know
  4. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    Have u ever put germinated seed right in final pot ?
  5. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    And how long do You leave your autos in solo ?
  6. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    I heard seedlings only water 250ml
  7. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    So being a new grower how do I know when to LST or any other training. Or do I just let them go for my first grow ? And what’s your opinion on transplanting autos? And translating autos for newbies like me ?
  8. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    I heard that autos have a veg of about 4-5 weeks and then flower about 7-10 weeks depending on strain So I was just curious cuz if u had them in solo cups for 3 weeks then how long before they flower from out the solo cup ? And how big u get them
  9. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    Thought veg only 4 weeks for autos tho ?
  10. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    How long u keep in solo cup. And did u germ seed in paper towel first ?
  11. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    Iam a bit scared to transplant cuz it’s an auto and it’s my first time
  12. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    So does my idea sounds like it will work out ? This specific promix is ok for my plan ?
  13. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    No I haven’t tried yet. Scared it guna burn auto seedlings. I figured if put a solo sized cup worth of this pro mix seedling mix in middle then plant germinated seed there gives some time before roots reach FFOF.
  14. H

    Pro mix soil for auto seedlings

    Anyone use this. Was thinking of starting autos in this Less nutes. Then bottom part of soil FFOF.
  15. H

    Autos in FFOF.

    Only 6.4. What shud they be soaked. And what shud they be good for seed with taproot. Please
  16. H

    Autos in FFOF.

    That’s awesome info. My are not as big I guess Can u suggest weight. I will send pic
  17. H

    Autos in FFOF.

    What do u suggest for air circulation? And what water best Distilled or just ph tap water for peat puck starting off.
  18. H

    Autos in FFOF.

    Now I just leave under some light for now