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  1. R

    brown spots and yellowing of fan leaves

    When I repotted into 3 gal container, I only used water for the initial watering. I have been feeding them 500 PPM for all subsequent watering's. Using Ionic Grow 5 mls per liter - I attached the Ionic label.
  2. R

    brown spots and yellowing of fan leaves

    Looking at the chart from the grow bible, I think I have narrowed down my problem. I didnt realize that using RO water you need to add Calmag as teh RO removes it all. The Liberty Haze appear to be suffering from Calcium Deficiency which I believe is due to the RO water. The other explanation...
  3. R

    brown spots and yellowing of fan leaves

    I added pictures of the plants as they looked this morning - Liberty Haze. I cut off most of the affected fan leaves thinking it was some type of fungus and didnt want it to spread to the rest of the Veg room. I have another strain in the Veg Room. Critical Kush grown from Barney's Seed and...
  4. R

    brown spots and yellowing of fan leaves

    First time post - having issues with Liberty Haze 4 weeks into Veg stage - picture attached: brown spots forming on edge of leaves and moving inward. Spots start out as white or clear spots and then turn brown. I freaked out and have removed all of the infected leaves and started a water only...