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  1. Dspence710

    Week or 2 from harvest, night temps in the low 30s!! What to do!

    That was a pic from about 4 days ago
  2. Dspence710

    Week or 2 from harvest, night temps in the low 30s!! What to do!

    Yeah i want her to make it to the perfect harvest zone and nit have to harvest like a week early and feel bad about it lol
  3. Dspence710

    Week or 2 from harvest, night temps in the low 30s!! What to do!

    Yeah its pushing the limit. Its legit 32 degrees out right now. Over the last couple weeks shes turned super purple! Which is cool but dont want to kill her with the cold. You think i could put a space heater in my garage with the plant and that should help?
  4. Dspence710

    Week or 2 from harvest, night temps in the low 30s!! What to do!

    I live in Colorado and this is my first grow. My plant is roughly a week or two from harvest and the weather is taking a turn to winter. For the next few weeks the day temps are roughly average 40s to low 50s and all night temps are very low 30s. Really dont want to harvest early when im this...
  5. Dspence710

    First time grower

    Hard to tell from that pic but i would say they are definitely not done. Weeks out. Unless you mean the trics are turning amber.
  6. Dspence710

    First time using acid, a little help?

    Thats gonna be nuts bro! Good luck!
  7. Dspence710

    First time using acid, a little help?

    Hahahaha once i became more experienced with dos, going to places like the store can be super fun. I used to just walk around target tripping face staring at the flatscreens lol
  8. Dspence710

    First time using acid, a little help?

    Ok so obviously youre a little nervous and trying to overthink it. We all have. If i were you i would take 1 tab your first time. 1/2 a hit (unless its crazy stuff) wont get you to where you can actually experience distinct visuals. I would take it your first time with a friend who is also...
  9. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    Pic of one of the lower flowers
  10. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    Yeah thats a good idea ill take some pictures and match them up later in the week. Yeah the top kola and the buds that are higher are definitely more mature then the lower kolas and buds from my perspective.
  11. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    No problem man i appreciate it! Foumd some tiger bloom today so i gave it about a 1/4 to 1/3 serving of that, the big bloom, and the cal mag. Gave it 4 gallons of water. Which as you explained i watered to fast and it drainrd to quick so i slowly poured one more gallon. I know its a bit esrly to...
  12. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    Awesome, so did you say to give it a quarter or half the recommended servings for the fish emulsion, big bloom, cal mag? Stick to 4 gallons of water? And would you say to just flush the last like 5 or 6 days? I might just go on a hunt for that tiger bloom because it has everything i need...
  13. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    Ill post a pic of the soil i used tomorrow! And will keep you guys updated!
  14. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    True, i never thought about hitting up a nursery. Thanks man
  15. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    So being this far into the grow, would it be alright to use along side the cal mag and big bloom i have?
  16. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    Ill look into that for sure. Gonna try to hit the store before it closes and tell them what you told me to. As for a natural supplement what would your opinion be on using fish emulsion?
  17. Dspence710

    Super newbie, please help

    Ok so basically i would need to use it with same brand supplements. And would only be used in a couple weeks from now. Pretty sure my plant is in week 4 flower, i think its supposed to go till late oct.