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  1. Ducky112

    The UK Growers Thread!

    around my way the prices are this... (please be warned you're about to be shocked!) 1g - 12.50-15 1oz - 240+ any uk growers care to help a brother out and give me some advice on my set up :D? sorry for the plug but no one seems to answer my post ha it is fairly fresh but still none the less...
  2. Ducky112

    How often does your exhaust fan run?

    interesting thread, i have mine on 24/7 too, go through a lot of fans though, anyone know any that are designed for grow rooms that might run at a lower motor speed or something to stop them burning out every few months?
  3. Ducky112

    Scrog, SOG, Fimming, Topping, LST'n, 12/12 all the way?

    Hey folks :) I'm a relatively new grower, i've done 5 crops or so and me and my friend grow some really nice bud but theres always room for improvement and experimentation, any how heres the dilemma/dilemmas that are upon me just now... Theres so much debate on whats the best EC to run in...
  4. Ducky112

    Buy the ticket, take the ride!

    Buy the ticket, take the ride!
  5. Ducky112

    My Set Up, Any Advice Welcome :)

    im not using DWC I'm using coco just in big fuck ass buckets bro :) sorry if i didn't state the grow medium at the top i think i did but too high to check or remember haha
  6. Ducky112

    My Set Up, Any Advice Welcome :)

    this is the method i am using minus the deep water culture but its the best videos for a scrog :)
  7. Ducky112

    DR Krippling Blue Kripple

    hi is anyone familiar with this strain? i have started growing it from seed and its looking lovely but can't find jack on it besides basic info you get from the seed bank :( growing it along with DNA genetics cannalope kush :)
  8. Ducky112

    My Set Up, Any Advice Welcome :)

    there we go :) hope the photo is ok :) nightmare to get good photos when the light is on
  9. Ducky112

    My Set Up, Any Advice Welcome :)

    LEFT: Exodus Psychosis (clone only) RIGHT: Barneys Amnesia Lemon (also clone but not a clone only strain) Light cycle 12:12 Day 6 of flower :)
  10. Ducky112

    My Set Up, Any Advice Welcome :)

    anybody out there able to offer any sort of advice or tips ect :)
  11. Ducky112

    My Set Up, Any Advice Welcome :)

    my set... 2x2x2m tent 1x1x2m tent 0.85x0.50x1.0m Clone/veg w/250w veg light section right now i've got 1 exodus psychosis and one amnesia lemon in 80L pots under 1 600w HPS light and a light cycle of 16/8 and both plants in an almost full 850mm scrog per plant veg EC at 1.4 growing with...