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  1. F

    gavin's super silver haze grow Journal

    im drooling like a fat kid at the pie-stand... :lol: too bad we cant exchange a little bud, and discuss our grow over a spliff mixed with SSH and NL :) that woulda been an awesome joint! peace bongsmilie
  2. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    hi bud, yea they are starting to look very nice and really frosty... :eyesmoke: i have during this whole run given them less nutes than i suppose to, because the soil was fertilized but still a good amount... i have seen some nute burns on the leaves, so i backed off a little... last time i...
  3. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    yea i wonder what i should do, make more small plants or keep it like now, 4 moderate big plants... not sure :P
  4. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    hmm its only flowering day 32 and theres already white hairs turning brownish? tho i read somewhere that some Northern Lights can be ready in about 45-50 days
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    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    largebuds NO! i did NOT mean it like that...
  6. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    hey warlock, thanks for stopping by :) always nice with feedback from more experienced growers.... i actually had this idea to do smaller pots, not only for the root system but for space and easier watering etc but i have these ideas in my crazy head to do different things all the time, i wanted...
  7. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    Hey largebuds, yea that lamp is doing a great job so far... tho i think i "transplanted" the clones to early... they all look like shit tbh :P hanging like their dead... :( they all looked perfect, and a few roots where sticking out from the rockwool, but i guess there wasnt enough roots to...
  8. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    Vegroom installed with 125w CFL ^^ :weed: peace
  9. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    i like the sound of that ;) :sleep:
  10. F

    gavin's super silver haze grow Journal

    2x 600w MH! thats insane dude :) Lookin like they got an awesome start in their lifes... Peace out, Bud
  11. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    8 clones taken :) i soaked the rockwool cubes in water mixed with veg nutes and superthrive, and put root gel into the holes in the cubes... will be back with the results of this. peace :joint::peace:
  12. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    picture update flowering day 13 I guess the name of this thread is starting to get a bit misleading :P it has become more of my grow-diary... but any comments, help, suggestions, thoughts are welcome as long as you know what you´re talking about! Sorry about the light once again. I dont...
  13. F

    I'm about to flip an ef'n gasket MOLD

    did you have any fans in the growroom? just curious... i myself have a half assed ventilation system but i can control the humidity and temp pretty good with just 2 fans in the room.
  14. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    hehe if i had all the equipment i would'v cloned that lady today, but im waiting for next payment so i can buy the 125w cfl lamp 6500k, buy soil and build my veg room :) btw that clone i took as a motherplant is friggin as big as the ones i got in flower atm... she just went bezerk! i have to...
  15. F

    Need an experienced grower to give me a quick overview and feedback, please!

    nice man :) i will take clones in about a week. The flowers have shown themselfs and it starting to look pretty cool. i will put up pics later on this week. i can say i will be happy if i get over an ounze per plant, but i keep my "dreams" low this first run so i wont get so disappointed if it...
  16. F

    gavin's super silver haze grow Journal

    good karma with names dude :D