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  1. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    I've actually transplanted pots twice. I let it get rootbound in the 5" pot it sprouted in and it started to do "the claw." Then I transplanted up to an 8" pot, and was surprised when I started seeing roots down at the bottom of that one within a week. So I went up to the 3 gal pot it's in now...
  2. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    Well I'm not really trying to manipulate the photoperiod as much as just give it as much good light as I can, that's really the idea of using some sun. I kind of hear you on the auto though, I let the thing get a little rootbound and the whole thing wasn't much bigger than the size of my head...
  3. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    Hi there evverbuddy. I'm a newbie in n. Ohio that started a berry Ryder 5 weeks ago. Its only about 10 inches and kind of stunty but its flowering and putting off quite a stink. Anyway I wonder if folks think this is a good idea...last few days its been a bit warmer like 45-55 I've been setting...