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  1. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    tafbang, I haven't watered her since I flushed her. If you're gonna be negative and mean then don't follow my thread or post any comments.
  2. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Homer, my pot is a two gallon, I'm pretty sure.
  3. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Ok thanks guys.
  4. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Homer, I flushed her last night but not with enough water. Should I so it again tonight?
  5. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Can I still clone even though I don't have rooting hormone and she's burnt?
  6. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    hey riu. here's misty, the last time i watered her she was given 1/8 nute water and i dont know why she's burnt. do you think she'll be okay?? peace
  7. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    here's misty at five weeks.
  8. King Blunt

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    OMG!!!! Homer you sure can grow the shit outta some dank looking weed bro. Fantastic job. Keep this shit up and you will be working for High Times. Damn brotha! All I can saw is WOW. Respect...... and lots of it.Oh btw thanks for checking on my grow man. Peace
  9. King Blunt

    Oswalds Official Journal

    Looking good lee. Cant wait to hear a smoke report from the Bubba. Keep up the good farming man. Respect and peace.
  10. King Blunt

    First time CFL grow. How do they look???

    CFL looking good man. Sorry I havnt posted feedback for awhile, been busy with other non-green shit lol. Looking good though. Can't wait to see what your dry weight is. Thanks for posting on my thread too, srry I couldnt rep u more lol. Keep up the green work dude. Respect and peace.
  11. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Tomorrow my baby turns 5 weeks old. I should have some new pics up tomorrow. BTW does anyone know when I might be able to take 1 (just one) clone from her? And also after cloning, I would like to flower asap (but I need at least an oz dry), so I can start a new grow with more girls. Thanks for...
  12. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Thanks for the comments and likes. And meta ur gonna love BM, where'd u order from? Btw they don't grow with a neutral smell like it's says lol.... Shes in veg and is starting to stink up my closet lol. Peace
  13. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    hey riu...this is a poorman's water bong.
  14. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    blue mystic, 33 days old.
  15. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    hey riu. It's update time. I did second lst and nute watered last night. Also took some pics of misty, this is at 4 and a half weeks. I gotta thank homer for the circle lst job. props man. enjoy and bong hits for all. peace
  16. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Just some MG house hold all purpose food, I know it ain't the best but a friend gave it to me and I haunt been out shopping so.... Yeah lol. Thanks man, grassy is looking beastly too. Respect man.
  17. King Blunt

    Oswalds Official Journal

    Plants are looking fine brah. Can't wait to hear a smoke report lol. Respect man.
  18. King Blunt

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Props on the grow bro, they are looking even sexier. Love the flower ontop of Amnesia. Keep it up Homer. Respect man. Peace
  19. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Just got done LSTing her for the first time..... kinda worried cuase I topped her last weekend. Hope she don't stress. I'm not gonna do too much LST cuase I'd like to take advantage of the vertical space I got in there..... maybe just a few more times. I hope to have some pics up Saturday or...
  20. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    A 32 gallon rubbermaid with another 15gallon rubermaid ontop its a sweet setup IMO. BTW hows that mold coming along on your grow? Thanks for stopping in.