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  1. schatzicat

    cloning question

    this tray is cool and all. pretty handy for clones and germinating and better than the method of just putting them in water. wish the dome was taller tho.
  2. schatzicat

    cloning question

    aerocloner eh? what ever makes the clones more successful, I definitely interested in
  3. schatzicat

    cloning question

    had their replacements getting rootbound and just bit the bullet. dealt with one deficiency on one plant that worried me some. spose to be 8-9 week flower and cut em at 7 and 5 days. if these clones take I should have a nice routine and will just be patient. not an easy task. well on paper it...
  4. schatzicat

    cloning question

    at what day do you open vents up a bit? day 3? thanks
  5. schatzicat

    cloning question

    these i think are 4” tall. i started with fairly long clones but realized they may hit the lid so i shortened them. thanks
  6. schatzicat

    cloning question

    I was a week early on the aforementioned harvest, so good eye on that. 4 plants with 3 gallon pots that sunk to only 2 gallons of soil under 8 t-5’s and total dried was close to 6 ounces. 1st attempt and just like these clones (hopefully) I have a better idea on what to change. for starters i...
  7. schatzicat

    cloning question

    I took 13 total I have room for 8. banana punch and blueberry ogee. used a powder rooting hormone and soked the pellets in 6.6 ph water with a tad bit of Mycorrhiza as i heard it helps some. thanks
  8. schatzicat

    cloning question

    hey y’all. just took some clones yesterday. have a dome w/vent lid and jiffy pellets. question is....I lightly sprayed the lid of dome and plants before putting lid on. been a day and some of the cuttings have leaves that tpuch the dome lid. sandwiching moisture between the leaves and plastic...
  9. schatzicat

    defcon 1 1st grow and having problems

    i’m told any spray with pyrethrins in it (derived from chrysanthemums) is a nasty bug killer but not harmful to humans. not sure I would try it on a flowering plant but who knows
  10. schatzicat

    defcon 1 1st grow and having problems

    i looked for the signs with a jeweler glass and didn’t see anything but I could have missed something. so u had a bug issue and tried the soap method woth bad results? guess its good to learn from others mistakes. hope all turned out good in the end.
  11. schatzicat

    defcon 1 1st grow and having problems

    like with the above comment I will do exactly that. im guessing this is a common issue and you know the situation. so thanks! will update. not to knock myself but I usually don’t put 100% in goals lol! but i have been super attentive to having success with this. ✌️
  12. schatzicat

    defcon 1 1st grow and having problems

    thanks alot! that sounds like a good plan. the calmag was 3-5ml/ gallon so i went with 3. now going with 5. and instead of straight water 1 time a week and nites 1 time a week perhaps a lighter nute mix every 3 days. not quite half but in the end of week it comes to about my usual nute dose...
  13. schatzicat

    defcon 1 1st grow and having problems

    thanks for the input.
  14. schatzicat

    defcon 1 1st grow and having problems

    hey y’all. New to this group and a first time grower and I’m having some issues. I have 4 plants. 2 blueberry ogee and 2 gg4 x blueberry ogee. and up to this point (week 5 flower) all has been great. no issues with deficiencies, heat, air circulation or pests. I wanted to start out on the...