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  1. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    You aren't liberal. Tell yourself whatever you like....but by definition, you aren't liberal
  2. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Strongly agree with this. They couldn't have us all treating each other as equals though...we may gain collective unity. They wouldn't want that
  3. Rizlared

    What is Racism?'s Mr prejudiced
  4. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    well said. It seems those resisting calls for genocide get the most abuse go figure!
  5. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    Is that what you do for a living is it? You a translator? You're not very good at it It's clear you don't speak my language though
  6. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    you refuse to debate. you merely twist and troll. no backbone, no substance exposed
  7. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    hot air
  8. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    In effect you've just highlighted for all to see.. you can't debate what you claim to believe in but you want to troll A shithouse, exposed
  9. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    you've publicly shit out. I'm enjoying that. exposed
  10. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    I'm surprised you're not a trump fan he has no substance either
  11. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    hot air you either want to debate or you don't. you've said you don't
  12. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    there is nothing you can now say that is any more than hot air exposed
  13. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    a coward troll exposed
  14. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    Yes, it was disproportionate but that's because you lot were arguing and abusing so i supported my view. A view i stand by now...about that challenge
  15. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    Now accept my public challenge or look like a coward
  16. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    So, ridicule is all you have? No facts No worthy opinions Just ridicule? You won't debate with me because you know you will lose ^^^or prove otherwise Let's chew the fat on your views and see who's the first to resort to insults I'm game
  17. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    this the best you can do? of ALL my posts, you use this as evidence? You defeat your own arguement
  18. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    oh dear words don't change history. Facts are what facts are. Try this on for size Hillary Clinton is a lying piece of shit does that statement make me pro trump? It proclaims one FACT