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  1. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    See now there's one of your many problems. The Tories, as much as i despise them, aren't a single issue party. My friend may vote Tory but he treats people with more respect than you do. you can't take the moral high ground when you behave how you do.
  2. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    I'm dumb...and yet you are pretty much repeating what i just said. Keep up
  3. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    violence begets violence ...but some.people do need a slap i haven't been able to square that circle yet
  4. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    I don't know everyone on our forum, let alone their opinions. It's hard to get to know their opinions as they get shouted down. A good friend of mine votes conservative, we disagree strongly on many things but i know he's a decent man with good values. It's ludicrous to suggest people like...
  5. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Again, I'm working nights :D You lot keep me occupied
  6. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    there you go again! Not all right wingers are bigots. Why do you shout down racists and then discriminate? You are the same as them! To understand someone, you have to listen to them. Shouting them down achieves nothing. There are varying degrees of right wing and some i know are nice...
  7. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Again, this i know. I'm simply telling you how it is you come across to me based on your behaviour. I'm willing to accept that you may not be that person....but that's how you come across. I like the image you shared.
  8. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Quite right, i don't. I can only build a picture of you from the way you present yourself on here. I've voiced my opinion of you, based on HOW YOU CHOOSE TO BEHAVE If that is a false picture, may i suggest modifying your behaviour to something more closely related to your real character
  9. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    So millennials are scum And you have the opinion of Brits that you mentioned. So you hate an entire age group and generalised about an entire nation. You are an embarrassment
  10. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Your opinion is of no value. You aren't your own man. You are part of a group of cowards that support each others twisted ideology and somehow think you are on the moral high ground. People in this thread have labelled me. I've challenged them to back it up. They have shit out. Anything...
  11. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    I notice you glossed over hypocrisy of your stance. All right wingers should be killed and yet you go on to be racist. top work :clap:
  12. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    if you are older than 15 i have to come you didn't mature?
  13. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    Again, false assumption why do people do that? All you succeed in doing is looking foolish
  14. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    I know my objective I've succeeded. I would have liked, but didn't expect, more discourse on the topic I know what i set out to do and it worked marvellously well. I think, on the whole, i avoid insults. I wasn't trying to insult you...i said your post was ludicrous. That's an opinion...
  15. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    So, there you go. One minute denouncing right wingers and then being racist. A prime example of what I'm highlighting in my other thread. You're just a hater....dressing it up as a cause more noble but you've revealed your true colours. ...and the who were over rated. A bit better than...
  16. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Again, ludicrous. People do like to join dots and create false pictures in this place.
  17. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    I disagree. I believe many people are confused about what is racist and what isn't. I genuinely care about this issue. So, two birds with one stone....i would very much like to discuss the contradictions I've raised but knew that certain people would play themselves...and they did Not so dumb
  18. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    I'm not mad, I'm cool. Yes i voted for brexit. I know exactly why i did also. I know a thing or two about it you just think it's as simple as left vote remain, right vote leave....but that's more about your ignorance than about reality
  19. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy you think you know about brexit do you? I suggest you stop now before you look even more stupid
  20. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    so I'm a UK based, left wing trump supporter. that makes sense :wall: