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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    To a certen extent I think your right. We still have yet to have a harvest where the plant hasn't been moved around or not had sweeping changes mid flower. Another thing is that we have been dealing with an infestation. We noticed that one of our back plants leaves were looking weird and we...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Pics of the Pink KF. Sorry it took me so long, I was having internet problems and Gobbly has been so busy with school.
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Appearance: Green and purple splotched with pinks (nearing on reds) mixed in. Th purple blotches are as dark as the purple pheno, but when mixed with the green and reds leaves a pink and/or blue hue. Liberally coated in trichs, more so than the purple pheno. Dense cattails (much more dense...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    It seems to taste a little better with comparable potency. We will post a report when its ready.
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    We got a celestron in the $100 price range. We will let you know how well it works. We looked into the eyeclopse online and it seemed hit or miss to us too. Alot of the pics we saw seemed to have focusing problems.
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    Attempt 1 at a Perpetual Harvest

    Ya man those look better than the ones we popped into flower after rooting. Keep up the good work and let us know what the end result weighs on those jail-bait virgins :)
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    UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK

    Hopefully it stops stretching during flower. The Blueberry sativa was at least a month into flower before it even started to slow
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    UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK

    Ah, I see. I'm assuming that it has the heavy sativa genetics as well though. I've been kinda eying the Blackberry but were prolly 6 months away from another seed order.
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Assuming that 5 is the average U.S dank sack and 10 being the most potent strain that I have ever smoked, (sorry California, It was found in A-dam.) I'd say it was at least at an 8 or 9. Like I said the flavor is kinda strange, but even Sannie says that the purple phono doesn't taste as good as...
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    UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK

    Escobar is the breeder but they are available from Sannie
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    small black flys

    As said you have fungus gnats. Also as said you can put a layer of sand on top of your soil to get rid of them as they live in the top layer of soil. However I will say that I have had gnats the whole time that I have been growing and they will annoy you way more than they will hurt your plants...
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    Cutting Fan Leaves? A Mythbuster style experiment...

    lol Wow what a can of worms you have opened here. The fact is I doubt that any of us are botanists and any testing we do is not done using scientific testing methods. Seems to me like a preference issue. Mel Frank has done alot of these sort of tests and has published alot of his results.
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    How long before Final flush?

    I give my plants at least 2 weeks without nutes. I agree they look very sativa like, which as said will grow much looser buds than a heavy indica. However in my experience sativas tend to grow in with very big/swollen bracts(what most people incorrectly call calix). Where as heavy indicas tend...
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    would really apreciate some help!!!

    I would say either PH as everyone has said and over watering. IMO invest in a moisture/PH combo meter. They are cheap and I use my moisture meter all the time. You also said that they are covered in pre-flowers, so they might be root bound. Normally this causes plants to slow or stop growth, but...
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    let me know what you guys think (first grow)

    Dude, lumens have nothing to do with what a plant needs. Lumens are to measure visible light to the human eye. Plants don't care what we can see. I cant remember what its called but there is a scale to measure how well the light can be used for photosyntheses. Thats what you want to measure, Not...
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    let me know what you guys think (first grow)

    LST= Low Stress Training. Things such as tying weights onto the stem to bend the plant over to make it more compact. We had a plant that we topped then started tying the two top stalks to the side of the pot. It ended up growing to look like a menorah:) Also, what kind of lights are you using...
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    Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal

    We got the heijuana/big whit as well. We topped it tons during veg cuz gobbly started to run out of space. Ours has very loose kinda small buds, but we are both wondering if we might have topped it too many times. I'm stoked to be able to compare your to ours to see if its a strain thing or how...
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    UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK

    Looking good man. We are going to harvest our BBS tomorrow. I'm interested to see if yours stretches as much as ours did. We have gotten some HUGE colas, they are at least 2 feet tall and fairly fat, although they are quite loose buds but they really are HUGE.
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    Perpetual harvest cabinet - 2x 150w hps and cfls - Grapefruit Hash & Pineapple Chunk

    I had to do that with a lavender/blueberry sativa that would not stop growing during flowering. It was growing an inch a day for awile there. Worked just fine for us.