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    Help! Yellow/Brown lower leaves - Plant droopy, leaf curling

    I would agree. You might want to invest in a moisture meter. They are cheap and normally come in combos so they will test moisture and ph for example. That way you can just water when you get in the red, at least thats what I do. Granted I only handle the flowering part of a perpetual grow in a...
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    What do you do with your shake?

    Make butane hash oil. It's a very easy way to do it and the results are great. We made a tube out of a long fat pipe, capped the ends, made a hole for the butane to enter and a number of holes on the other end. dry and grind your trim and fill your tube. cover the holy end with a coffee filter...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Ya, but we have had a purple one and a pink one that has been cloned and I want to try the green as well. Is not variety the spice of life :)
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Very potent and more of a high than a stone. The taste and smell is petrol and kinda floral, but yes very potent.
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    So as said the pink KF is hanging. The plant was so top heavy that we had to prop it in a corner. The process continues. After all our hard work we are left with our trimmed stalks and loads of trim for oil :) And them hanging. We will get pix and a smoke report in about...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    The KF didn't start getting any purple untill flower. The purple one came in very dark on all bracts/calix and all the small sugar leaves , while what we are calling the pink (I think sannie calls that pheno blue, cuz the purple combined with the green looks blue to me) came in kinda blochy...
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    Attempt 1 at a Perpetual Harvest

    Vegging plants look great. I cant wait to see them in flower. We tried to put a batch of clones into flower as soon as they rooted. Our experience was not a great one. The yield was very low. We have a new batch of clones that we gave 2 weeks of veg and they have gotten bigger than we thought...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    Yes it is:) I consider myself lucky that the flower room is in my side of the house. So the pink KF is hanging and my house stinks. We will post pics tomorrow
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    So as Gobbly has said, our next two harvests are going to be the pink KF and the BBS. We both kinda thought the KF would take a tad longer, but we are pulling it tonight and either clipping tonight or tomorrow. I'm sure one of us will post how that goes. I'm looking forward to this one, it...
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    Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal

    It sucks not being able to smoke but you gotta do what you gotta do for your health man. Plus like you said after 3 months you will get super ripped. Good luck with the surgery man.
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    We have known each other for almost 30 years now, so ya I'd say we had known each other for a long time. we now flower with a 400w MH and a 400w HPS for full spectrum and our t5 for veg is a 4 foot long 8 tube around 400w. We love questions, with the legal situation here this is the only outlet...
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    Dead bugs on my plant. What now?

    bugs aren't inherently bad, least the dead ones. You can pick them out with tweezers (as I do when I see them), but bear in mind, if you've ever smoked weed, chances are you've smoked plenty of dead bugs (and I don't mean the microscopic ones :D). As mentioned, smoking what has been around the...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    The harvest of the purple kf is done. Garden update on previous page
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    This is because its a killer strain with killer yeilds. Sannie has a hit with this one for sure.
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    So the OC is cured enough to be worth reporting on. Appearance: Dark green with purple blotches at the tips. Covered in long, crystalline, trichs, with liberal tufts of red hairs. (Picture coming later tonight...) Medium calyx to leaf ratio. Very dense. Odor: Does not have a strong odor...
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    Indoor Perpetual Closets

    As the other half of the op and the one who gets to live with the beautiful ladies I will also say that since we moved to the room, dispite less air flow my house reaks. I think they were just so smashed in the closet that nothing was really getting out. We will have to get a filter for sure.
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    Light help...again hah

    for 4X4 i'd go with the 400w