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  1. Sizzle420


    I absolutely respect your assessment, and you'll get a rep+, when I get them back, for that. There are issues to be debated on merits.
  2. Sizzle420


    People can be such ingrates. The man is trying to reclaim some dignity of the office. When people railed against Bush at least it was on valid, non-debunked grounds. Freaking parrots is what the lot of these Birther's remind me of. bongsmilie
  3. Sizzle420


    Done and done. You do not make the rules as to what qualifies, sorry 'bout that. He was born in the U.S., unless Hawaii has seceded or something.:blsmoke:
  4. Sizzle420

    He IS KENYAN PROOF INCLUDED Is this the Executive order to which you make reference? If so, it kind of does the exact opposite of what you claim. Or did I miss something?:eyesmoke:
  5. Sizzle420


    Good Luck. Nice Avatar.:leaf:
  6. Sizzle420

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    Maybe you can let someone else do that for you. Here is the link... bongsmilie Not for nothing, the historicity of THE Jesus of the bible is completely debatable, and I am convinced of it's fabrication completely. The story is severely plagiarized from other...
  7. Sizzle420

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    There is the point. I'll Rep+ this as soon as I get my privileges back.
  8. Sizzle420


    That's a valid point, but I don't think it'll matter if he called the fuzz already. It is a little bit disturbing to see that with a landlord, I've had experiences where my landlord had gone into my house unoccupied and without notice. He was mental, and now he's suing us after our departure...
  9. Sizzle420

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    Polygamy is outlawed as well, some other poster may have already informed you. Morals should not be legislated. Criminality should necessitate a victim. Sanctioning marriage by the states is an odd thing unto itself, granted the religious overtones, but it's origin was contractual in nature...
  10. Sizzle420


    Don't you feel stupid... again.
  11. Sizzle420

    Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!

    It's good to see more progressive liberals, there really aren't enough vocal of us in my estimation.
  12. Sizzle420

    Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!

    Just an aside, but religious moderates support these "radical fringe morons", which I agree they are, by appealing to the same faith based non-reasoned unsupported assertions. You can find support for murdering little children and rape victims in the bible. Religiosity, itself, is the problem...
  13. Sizzle420

    do you need a 400w hps?

    I'm using similar lighting. I do electrical work, and as that's a good deal, it is not too good to be true. The mod is easy but people, make sure you know what you are doing with electrical wiring and never bypass necessary grounding. It is the primary safety feature, and you could end up...
  14. Sizzle420


    I'm new too. Good to see I'm not the newest anymore, lol. This place rocks, and there's lots of valuable info. I've been stalking it for months now, and decided to register for the access and input, if and when I can be of help. So, here's my first "welcome". Enjoy.bongsmilie
  15. Sizzle420


    Stop everything you are doing. If it is not legal there, and you think you've been spotted, or have any doubts, don't risk it. The penalties can be severe. Watch this Vid and follow it's instruction in the...
  16. Sizzle420


    Thank you for the kind advice. I intend on finding as many answers as possible and figuring out what works best through experimentation, with the obvious limits implied.:joint:
  17. Sizzle420


    It's new to me, and yeah it's funny. Been here off and on for the last six months putting things together, got one under my belt and moved to some good beans for future loveliness. Thanks for posting. I'm working with easiness (yeah, I mean laziness as well as a lack of routine in my...
  18. Sizzle420


    New here, like the forum, decided to join. Got some things going on, thought I'd get a little more access to the wealth of knowledge here. Everything's going fine, but I think there's always room for improvement. So, Hello everybody.:blsmoke: