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  1. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    does anyone know a liquid nute called "Snow Storm" , it helps with flavor and taste of the smoke, should i keep feeding it snow storm?
  2. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    when do i start flush? now? or would that remove all the nutes and food for the plant, help!
  3. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    growing under a 400 watt hps, i am using fox farm soil, and did use "blood juice" for flowering growth, some one told me to leave 18/6 hours from best growth from auto's, is that true? 2 weeks more under hps? okay, now i believe...
  4. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    did Attitude seeds sell me different seeds/strain/company? 4 -7 more weeks is alot, this is suppose to finish in 70 days, from seed to smoke!
  5. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    this 1 here is auto blue mystic
  6. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    ya thats foil, remove all foil from the grow area?
  7. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    she is much bigger in person, like 2 feet,
  8. Goldenseeds

    Is she Ready? flowering question

    this is a auto seeds , i think its purple cheese strain from auto seeds. my question is she ready or how much longer? 2 weeks? :hug: she smells like banana and pine at the same time, :hump:
  9. Goldenseeds

    nitrogen deficiency question

    thanks , best wishes to you, i once grow berry ryder from Auto seeds, all the leaves around turn yellow and died while the bud was shiney and beautiful , so do i add nitrogen in water nute to my auto blue mystic?
  10. Goldenseeds

    nitrogen deficiency question

    i am in to 2 weeks of flowering, the 2 mid fan leaves have turned into pale yellow-green, not just spots, but the whole thing! help! #autobluemystic
  11. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    pale yellow on both fan leaves while the rest is light pale green
  12. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    my nirvana auto blue mystic is getting pale i am using fox farm and bud juice for nutes,
  13. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    i need some thing quick , big yield and purple color...
  14. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    i am growing these bitches with 400 watts, and the nugs still look small, but i still got 4 weeks to go though, i will post pics tommorrow
  15. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    really? i knew something was up, i mean i didt pinch the plants during vegging so that mistake 1, i didt veg them too long , just 1 month, that mistake 2, autos are quick, but less yield? what do you recommend for big yields?
  16. Goldenseeds

    How am I doing? first grow - 500 watts

    nice dude,! looks purple, what strain is it, and how many watts are each cfl, also what nutes are you using?
  17. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    how do i get bigger yields?
  18. Goldenseeds

    auto seeds grow - 400 watt help - pics soon

    i have a 400 watt hps, 4 plants, 3 are auto seeds ,1 is blue mystic from nirvana, i just started flowering 2 weeks ago, but my question is why are my bud size small, i am currently using fox farm soil and give them a flowering how you call it, a freaky thing called "blood juice" as a nute...