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  1. C

    how to rejuvinate clones to get better yields?

    on the grow faq section it mentions that seeds would produce more yields than clones because over time clones will lose hybrid vigor thus resulting in lower yields. it is also mentioned that growers should "rejuvinate" their strain. what does this mean and how do i do that?
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    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    whats the difference? and the pros and cons to each one?
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    help! one of my plants stopped growing

    thanks a lot for the help guys..i'm just using the normal planter box mix soil and since the roots didnt grow out of the peat pellet yet i just dug up the surrounding soil and made the soil loose in order to give it more air..dont know if this is exactly the right thing to do... because now...
  4. C

    help! one of my plants stopped growing

    when i got my batch of clones there was one that was doing better than everyone else, but just a few days ago it stopped growing. i noticed this because another plant that was orginally 2/3 of its size caught up and outgrew this one. all of these plants are kept in the same places and they're...
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    wrong ballast?

    yeah i was gonna ask something similar to that: lets say i have the 1000w ballast..woult it be ok if i only use a 400w bulb?
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    help: wilting plants and purple stems

    one of my plants is wilting and the top leaf stems are turning purple. this is the only plant that turned out like this while the others seem to be doing fine. anyone know whats going on? and is this plant savable? thanks a lot!
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    2 plants 1 pot

    yeah i would say its a bad idea too because how are you going to transplant them when you need to? you're going to have to at some point and the roots are probably gonna be tangled sativas have large root systems too.. but on the other hand...8-10 inches for 25 days thats pretty...
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    Plants 3 weeks after cloning

    3 weeks after the cloning took place it seems like they barely grew (each plant grew about 2 small leaves on average per plant) and now they're drooping instead of standing tall and proud. I've been keeping them under florescent light only and no this bad? and what should I be...
  9. C

    Plants are growing but roots arent?

    oh no no sorry the ice box is just a container box...its not meant to keep them in statis or anything..i'm just growing there i think it could be when i transplanted them into the styrofoam cups there wasn't enough drainage that the soil was clogged..i dont know...lots of trials and errors for...
  10. C

    Plants are growing but roots arent?

    without roots there wont be buds
  11. C

    Plants are growing but roots arent?

    i see i see...the strain is probably why... mogie- what do you mean by statis?
  12. C

    Plants are growing but roots arent?

    First I received the plants as clones then I kept them in an ice box and with florescent lights and regulated the temperature and humidity... Now the plants are growing well but today when I checked the largest plant (about 6 inch+) there roots barely grew...In a video I saw fresh clones about...
  13. C

    Canadian Laws

    I know..I've seen that on the net too but it just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean come on...3 plants and 12 months in jail and 50+ 14 years...with the kind of shit happening in Canada i don't even think some serial killers and rapists get that much time...there must be more accurate stats...
  14. C

    How many plants is too many for a house in Canada?

    hmm all I know is that everyone grows out here and even the ones who do get caught don't really face that much charges..but how do they really fight their cases? anyone know more of the in and outs to dealing with the pigs?
  15. C

    How many plants is too many for a house in Canada?

    What is the maximum plants (approximately) that you can have that can be used for "medical reasons" or "personal use" in case the cops do stop at your door? Also anyone know the legal stuff around this area? what other excuse can you use and how do they usually charge you?
  16. C

    HPS with dimmer - recommended?

    ohhh i get it now thanks a lot guys!
  17. C

    HPS with dimmer - recommended?

    I'm wondering it there will be any damages to the HPS bulb or the balace if I add a dimmer to it. Basically I won't be using the 1000w light to its full potential maybe use 250w of it or something. Is this bad?
  18. C

    Transplanting Into Vegetative Stage

    Whoops sorry this is supposed to be in the indoor growing forums.
  19. C

    Transplanting Into Vegetative Stage

    Hi all, I just received my clones a week ago and I've already put them into small styrofoam cups. However as of now, I'm still keeping them under household lights with the 18/6 hour light cycle. I'm wondering when would be a good time to throw them under the HPS lights and decrease humidity to...