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  1. L

    White Widow (fem), White Diesel, Sweet Purple (lots of pics)

    Time lapse is really cool. Nice work!
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    nirvana seeds never came.

    From what I've read it's hit or miss with Nirvana. I got mine in about 8 days, so I have no complaints other than the fact that they came in a little ziplock bag with a marijuana leaf on it. WTF how is that stealth shipping? Oh well, like I said I'm 1 for 1, but after hearing about every one...
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    Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow

    INDOORS: Not much to update on. The good plant is seemingly loving the bigger pots and light setup and seemed to double in size since last night. Amazing! Looking at the 1 that got burned a couple days ago I can see some really small leaves starting to shoot out the top of the stem, so it...
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    Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow

    Yeah, it's in the bathtub/shower, so there's plenty of room in there. There's a fan going 24/7 a window open and the bathroom exhaust fan. It stays around 70 F in there. I'm only using about 1/4 of the space right now. Hopefully a lot more as I get going. The reflectors are made from...
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    Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow

    INDOORS: The PPP got transplanted today to bigger pots. No idea if the one that got burned by the light is going to pull through or not. I don't see any new growth, but 1 of the leaves is still staying green and the stem looks fine. I can't decide whether to start germinating another 1 to...
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    Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow

    INDOORS: I did some work with my lights. Originally had 2 40 watt 2700's, but switched 1 out for 2 6500's to give more blue. Over night the plants seemed to really like it as they looked like they had grown a lot this morning. As the Home Depot hood wouldn't fit with the "Y" adapters I put...
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    Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow

    INDOORS: Today I'm changing the light cycle from 24/0 to 18/6 in an attempt to save a little money on lighting and I've been reading the back and forths on the site about letting the plants rest. Makes sense to me. Why try to fight the way the plants naturally grow outside. (Besides the fact...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    Thanks reef. Yeah I've started giving them Pure Blend Pro Vegetative. I'm at about 1/4 of the recommended usage. Baby Steps. I started a grow journal for these and my two PPP indoors. You can follow more of my hilarious mistakes and flounderings at the link in my Sig.
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    Indoor/Outdoor Mix - First Grow

    OUTDOORS: My original idea was to grow completely outside as I didn't want to spend a lot of money or time on the grow, so I started about 10 White Satin seeds in doors in the window occasionally throwing some insufficient light on them at night. After 5 weeks they were little more than...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    Don't mean to drag this thread out from the forum grave yard, but wanted to give an update on the plants I moved outside. I think I might start a grow journal as I have 2 outside and 2 that I just started inside, but for now here are the same plants that had the straws and toilet paper wrapped...
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    serious slug issue

    little dixie cups buried in the ground around the plant. Fill them with beer. The slugs will dive in and won't be able to make it back out. Works like a charm!
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    honkeytown you got some readin to do...start at page 1 that's where the pictures came from. Burn one for me bro my girls are gonna be awhile....
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    I was actually reading in another thread and saw Brendon420 posting something and noticed his Avatar looked somewhat familiar. Then I just started laughing. Good to see that I have at least sparked some good laughs. Although I will have to charge for the use of those pics. Responding to some...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    Definitely a humbling experience and clearly I have a ton to learn. Have been glued to this forum all weekend. Pretty amazing knowledge base. I moved the remaining few outdoors and buried them 1 inch below their first set of leaves. Mother Nature will decide their fate. I am also placing an...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    TrialandError why do people think that shooting people down on a thread when they come for help makes them feel better I think is probably the better question here. Maybe you missed the day back in grade school when the teacher said "If you don't have anything nice to say STFU!!!" Thanks to...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    Inside they are on the edge of a south facing window. Decent amount of light, but maybe not the greatest. I usually get home by around 7 and then run 2 48" flouro's about 2 inches above the plants for 3 hours. Because they were intended to go outdoors I wanted to mimic the outdoor environment...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    I agree they are super stretched which is a big issue. Any idea what the reason for that might be? If I have to scrap them I should at least learn from this right? After 5 weeks the stems are stretched and the leaves are no bigger then an inch on any of them. Nice healthy green color though...
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    My plants are p*ssy's!

    Plants are 5 weeks old. Plan was to start them indoors and then transplant outdoors when weather was right (now!). Started to leave them outside when I went to work. First day there was some wind and rain nothing major, and when I got home most of the plants had been uprooted and were laying...