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  1. M

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    OK so I guess I should've read a little farther before asking about your mailing idea! LOL Seeing that I've never made candles, what do you put your weed in so the way doesn't cake it up? Do you just vacuum seal it then pour the wax around it? And how do you get it out of the wax at the...
  2. M

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    I would love to know about your fool-proof plan AND about how to make a weedpon ... I am female but do NOT want to get that stuff in there and not be able to get it out! LOL xxoo Melissa
  3. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey KB, putting four of these bulbs over 1 or 2 plants won't be too much, will it? xxoo Melissa
  4. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Holy freakin' crap!!!!!! Now tell me ... is this a dwarf plant? How tall did it get? Cuz I grew one of Attitude's LR2s and it was barely a foot high, but I did manage to get 13gm out of her. xxoo Melissa
  5. M

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Hey y'all, just wanted to introduce myself. I live in Woodland Park and have just harvested my first plant. I have a stage IV breast cancer dx and medical ganja has changed my life! Am SO proud to live in Colorado right about now! :) xxoo Melissa
  6. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Thanks so much! But I really need to stay w/my PCs right now. I put a lot of $$ into the setup I have and can't afford to change it much. Plus, I'm not exactly 'handy' at all. :( xoo Melissa
  7. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    So sorry for so many questions, but I've been collecting for quite some time till I found you guys! LOL Anyway, I have two PC Grow cases ... one for the short veg cycle (with 6500 27W CFLs) and one for flowering (with 2700 30W CFLs). I see you talking about much more wattage than what I...
  8. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey Grow, how do you determine that? I mean, I have all different sizes of stalks ... obviously the stem is the thickest, and the branches are different thicknesses. So, which one do you test to see if it snaps or not? My brother seems to think that my little 10" plant won't take more than 4...
  9. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Wow! How cool! Damn, I've gotta keep reading so I can see how it turned out! :) xxoo Melissa
  10. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Actually, don't think I'm gonna cure. I'm not a smoker ... I'm a vaper ... from what I've heard, drying is all that's required. One must be able to get a really fine grind for vaporizing ... the finer, the better. And if you think smoking yields some yummy tastes ... you should try vaping! It...
  11. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Well, I just harvested my LR2 girl ... she looks like a freshly sheared poodle! :) She is now hanging in my closet w/a fan on her, gently swaying in the breeze. :) How long to let her dry? About a week? xxoo Melissa
  12. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Almost all trichs are milky ... some still clear, but hell, the girl is still growing new buds ... still have white pistils w/small buds on the lower leaves, so there are still some clear trichs, but almost all milky. A few amber. The CFLs in question are actually the Aerogarden bulbs ... I...
  13. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Now, that doesn't apply to CFLs, does it? I have my seedlings about 2" from the CFLs ... saw someone post on here ... might've been KB ... that with CFLs they should be no more than 3" away from the light ... is that right? Melissa
  14. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    No, I didn't flush her. Never used any nutes on her besides what was in my potting mix, and that was organic. Actually knew nothing about flushing till yesterday when I read it mentioned here. Is there a need for flushing when no chemicals have been used? This is the first pot plant I've...
  15. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Here's my Lowryder 2 girl ... Most of her trichs are milky, so I think I'm gonna go ahead and try her out. She's 82 days old ... Melissa
  16. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Oh cool ... thanks! What does the high feel like? Is it more energized or more couch-locky?
  17. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    OK, and two more noob questions for you wise sages ... LOL: 1) I'm slowly but surely working my way thru this thread and KolorBlind said that you should run the youngsters under 6500s for the 1st 2 weeks but then move them to 2500. I typically have them under 6500s until I see buds starting...
  18. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    But didn't someone say to keep the lights 2-3" from the babies? I just moved my seedlings up after reading that post. The tops of my seedlings are now about 2" away from my Aerogarden light. Is that too close then? xxoo Melissa
  19. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I just germinated two AK x Hindu Kush seeds. I soaked them for about 1 hour ... prolly could've done it for longer. Then I just planted them in tiny cups, in FFF Happy Frog soil. Three days later, they were peeking out of the soil. This is my second grow ... the last one, 2 of my 3 Lowryder...