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  1. Dillonwren

    Where can I get the fan I want?

    I have a pc fan for my plants right now and its doing its job great but its running of a 9V battery and I want a fan that will plug into a wall socket. Where can I get a good price for a plug in computer fan?
  2. Dillonwren

    Putting my babies under my HPS

    I got my them under three 26W CFLs now thanks for the help
  3. Dillonwren

    Putting my babies under my HPS

    ok thanks guys I'll get some more CFL's
  4. Dillonwren

    Putting my babies under my HPS

    I have three little sprouts under a 40W CFL that I know isnt even close to enough light so I was wondering if I could put them under my 1000W HPS grow light? I know people use these for flowering but I dont see why I couldnt put my babies under it as long as there at a safe distance.
  5. Dillonwren

    Am i germinating right?

    just drop ur seeds in a cup with water and they will germinate, that worked for me and I got 100% of my seeds to germinate by doing this(took maybe 4 days)
  6. Dillonwren

    How long till they sprout up?

    this is only temporary as they will have a proper growing environment in a few days, I am a total noob and am really scared im guna fuck this up. thanks for the help
  7. Dillonwren

    How long till they sprout up?

    its just one of those small soft white cfl lights, the box just ses 40 watts so I dont know.
  8. Dillonwren

    How long till they sprout up?

    I planted my seeds yesterday and they both had a little bit of a tail on them and now I have them sitting under a 40w cfl in some light warrior soil in 1cubic inch pots, how long should it be before they spring up?
  9. Dillonwren

    First indoor Closet grow.. how's it going?

    I will be following this, looks really good!
  10. Dillonwren

    My fist attempt /noob/

    Hey guys I am new to the forum sorry if my questions are stupid. :weed: So I have been wanting to grow for a long time and just last week I was given a perfectly good grow light set up(HPS) and then a few days ago I was smoken a bowl wit ha buddie and he handed me 3 seeds he found and said it...
  11. Dillonwren

    how does she look? (second grow)

    great looken plant