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  1. Rudeboyric

    To flush or not to flush?

    I’m not really trying to remove any just trying to lower my ph so the plants can uptake the calcium
  2. Rudeboyric

    To flush or not to flush?

    Huh? I don’t understand
  3. Rudeboyric

    To flush or not to flush?

    I’m thinking it’s not getting the right or any calcium
  4. Rudeboyric

    To flush or not to flush?

    Hey fellow growers this is my first grow I’m in 7 gallon fox farm ocean forest I’m on my 4th week in flowering but my leafs are getting tiny yellow dots I’m thinking a calcium deficiency I’ve been giving them calmag every watering cycle but my ph is 8 will a flush help lower my ph?
  5. Rudeboyric


    Week 3 is this right?
  6. Rudeboyric

    My first grow

    This is my other plant at 2 weeks in flowering
  7. Rudeboyric

    My first grow

    Week 3 of flowering my first grow
  8. Rudeboyric

    My first grow

  9. Rudeboyric

    Week 3 of flowering

    Week 3 of flowering