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  1. S

    cleaning the bong

    Does anyone know a good way to clean out the ol bong. i have about a foot or longer clear glass bong and id like to keep it looking clean.
  2. S

    Reverse a dieing plant

    well it was a first grow so i didnt get too serious and well dont have the money to build a good setup. the sun was shining threw my window onto the put and i left the blinds open so it was natural light at natrual times.
  3. S

    Reverse a dieing plant

    I started to grow a plant but then the steam got too weak fell over and just shriveled up. any ideas how to reverse this if it ever happens again? I put the fan on it to strengthen the steam but it seemed to not want to stay up. I might of over watered it but i thought they need a good amount of...
  4. S

    weak stem

    Yea i had the plant in a big enough pot to start off with but I dont think the fan ventilated it well enough.
  5. S

    weak stem

    I just started to try and grow and i got about a week or 2 into it and the stems started to fold under its own weight. the stem was weak and just eventually died on me. I dont know if it was not enough light, too much water, too much food or not enough of something. beginner so just trying to...
  6. S

    Hurricane coming need advice!

    Maybe put some thick 2x4s in the ground around it. make sure its deep in the ground so it won't fall out. make it into a triangle because its a strong structure. reinforce the top with another triangle that connects the 2x4s at the stop and wrap some strong trash bags around it. leave small...